so begins my alabee?

Jan 15, 2007 05:32

I just realized that alabee isn't really a word. Why is it in the title? (sidenote: done with capitalizing things... deal with it) If someone could explain this to me, I would really appreciate it.

all besides the point. maybe if i listened to lyrics more closely it would click. hmmm, oh well.

im really not feeling this whole writing thing right now. that may be because i haven't slept in a long time and my mind keeps going blank. i cannot give into the evil sleep monster because then my sleep pattern will be uber fucked up. hmmm... turns out uber is not in the magical typing dictionary.

kittens are adorable. i only wish they wouldn't urinate in places that should not hold urine.

mi estomago esta muy triste porque yo bebo a mucho mas cafe.

haiku time!!!!

the paper cuts deep
why did i pick it up fast
now there is blood here

haiku time round 2 (a favorite of mine)

the bike is bright red
because jesus died on it
now it is holy

sonic youth makes me feel kind of schizo. its making me feel relatively queasy.

awww shit katamari soundtrack song. no joke, the katamari soundtrack is probably the greatest video game soundtrack ever. besides pretty much any game with an 8-bit soundtrack.

i wish i was raised in japan. once there was a japanese foreign exchange student at my high school. he had a scar from a knife fight on his hand and was partially responsible for burning half his gym down at his japanese high school.... or he was a chronic liar. i prefer to believe the first. it is a lot more fun.

i think i might try to freak out the people who are new to my floor; that is if listening to the katamari soundtrack at 6 a.m. hasn't already done so. i believe hissing at them may be a good tactic.

meow, meow; hiss, hiss. can i take a piss, piss. in your mouth, go down south. suck it out, til i shout.

im glad no one knows who this is and it will probably never be read.

oooh gawd. ace of base nukka. i didnt think random would bring up anything to top katamari. low and behold it has. shes going to get you. all that she wants is another baby.

how many babies does she have and why does she want another one? sure its not a real baby in the song but what if? i think this song should have been in children of men. it would have fit so well because all that any woman in that movie want is another baby. worldwide infertility really fucks shit up.

hmmm... agenda for day:

1) get books for crazy city class
2) apply for jobs
3) catch up with steine and peanut butter
4) shrink new pants... hope they magically get a little lighter.
5) sew hole in jacket... maybe sew a patch on it?... haha maybe the anti nazi patch
6) get socks
7) get a hat
8) read first reading for crazy city class
9) eat
10) pet a kitty
11) maybe sew some other article of clothing that has lots of holes
12) get a sweater
13) ROCK

if you are reading this, you are seriously mentally handicapped. i should type with more 1337 language. n0085 un173 und3r my 1337 90w3r. i should probably cut my hands off right about now. shit, maybe i will actually go for that run. it is soo cold and snowy though. i skateboarded for a little while. oh man, i am excited to give hugs. my stomach hurts.

peace, im owet. (yes, i meant to include the e. goddamn i am a thin loser)

jerry louis

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