Sunnybrook, Sunnybrook

Jul 12, 2007 08:58

I have spent far, far too much time at Sunnybrook in the last few hours. Last night one of the boys dislocated his shoulder and I got the fun job of taking him for precautionary X-rays. I guess I was in Emergency for a couple of hours before his dad arrived.

This morning is lemur_catta's knee surgery at the Holland Centre and she was given the revolting admission time of 0615. We got there about 0600 and I left around 0800 as she was going into the Prep room. She should be out of recovery by early afternoon so I shall head back up there after my analyst's appointment. She'll be in overnight but should be coming home tomorrow.

In unrelated news, I see that a firm of barristers has opened a rather flash office on Church Street right between two pawnbrokers. This seems oddly apposite.

lemur, coaching, rugby

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