"is it ok if i scream?"

Mar 21, 2004 20:35

IM A MUTHA FUCKING STUD LET ME SAY HELL YA MUTHA FUCKA HELL YA~! ~~~~~D You cant get her to say dat, ya look at that. So anyways, YA IM THAT FUCKING GOOD BITCH ILL KILL YOU~. So anyways, I finally got some good pics of yours truly rocking out with baby carrots and shit. Ultra music fest was an awakening, and i feel that it is necessary to thank a few people / drugs for my experiences.

Thanks to:

Geddes - Actual funniest kid alive, mmmm soooooooooo number ones?

Eric "the barbarian" Cuntingulususnus - for getting me started into drugs: mom sure was wrong, drugs are cool and fun

John "the 62 eye 7 machine gun" Ho - when i was out of my mind, i was picturing all my friends as super heroes, this man, the biggest ho of all ho's, got out of a car looking normal, then had alot of guns, then grew like 60 eyes. Then it all went away and he winked at me, he fuckin winked at me.

Mel "the boobies of this operation" Loy - for being paranoid that everyone thought she was high, and for answering me when i asked her "im going to publix, can i get you anything?" when we were at the World of Drumm and Bass.

Andrew "the wizard" Pacifico - for being at Ultra, giving me a high 5, and then literally disappearing - not leaving, not getting lost, he fuckin disappeared. The supplier of both all the crack and the sacred NUMBRE DE LA 1, SI ES MUY CALL-E-HENTE SOY UN HELADO DE MICKEY MOUSE!

Baby "just big enough to put in yo butt - mel" C's - dont fuck with baby c's, they good for you.

Number "the one" Ones - Neo, you know that there is something deeper than this. You now have 2 choices: you can take the blue pill, and the story ends, you can head back to your hotel, wack off, whateva you gotta do. Or, you can go to the World of Drumm and Bass, and take the red pill, and see how far the rabbit hole goes. Quiz: try and figure out which one we did. Hints: 1. SOOOOOOOOOOOO NUMBER 1's? 2. Dear god, its been fucking 7 hours, how HOW???

Im going to post some pics laters. Thank you to everyone above and that crazy 1 armed hooker for the times!
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