The popular Leeco Website has been shut down. So there's a new one, and guess who one of the moderators are? Well, the only moderator with 3 administrators, technically. ME! :) Come check it out, become a member, and make lots of posts. I'll warn you, it's addictive. This new board is a lot friendlier, with 100% less arguments so far. I like it a lot, and I hope you'll come check it out and like it as well. Here's the link: ...Really, come check it out. Please, and thanks in advance.
I just cooked. Yes. Me. I made cheese quesadillas on a George Forman grill. How 'bout that? I haven't eaten them yet because my mom was fixing some kind of beef something, and the smell of it made me sick. Welcome to the life of Nicole. lol Beef is bad. Clint has been poisoned by the crazy amount of meat he eats.
I have made a promise to myself to no longer make you guys read depressing updates. Those will be private from now on. I don't want ya to see my weak side anymore. lol I'm a trooper, ya know.
Okay, Dharma & Greg comes on in 8 minutes, so screw you guys. It's almost time for my favorite show. lol
I stayed up all night last night. I finally fell asleep at around 7. I watched all kinds of random things, like why Palestinian women become suicide bombers. I wish everyone could watch that, because it gives you a view into their world, into how they live, and why they act like they do. I now understand, and I'm sad that people think they have no choice but to die. I hate that our president just kills them anyway. Okay, so I hate our president. But that's common knowledge. Idiot. I would give anything to be able to help those people. I know our president says that we are helping them, but we're not. Not really. He doesn't understand them. Also, for the record, there is nothing good to watch after 3 am. I watched the dicovery channel for the rest of the night starting at 3. It was 4am when I watched the documentary of female suicide bombers. I think I'll make an update all about that later. I feel the need to talk about it, for some reason.
My grandfather got out of the hospital on Friday. Today, my grandmother was put in. She made mom and I go to Rite Aid to buy her a compact and lotion. She wanted us to go to Merle Norman in Kingsport! She was really pissed when we said that was stupid. My grandparents are crazy. Ah well. They're not doing well at all. Not at all.
Okay, 1 minute 'til showtime. Goodbye.