Here's to the Class of Simday 42!

Jan 13, 2012 12:04

The second graduating class of Little Hollywick University is about to walk across the stage, and you're invited to the ceremony!

Six students are graduating today: Jimmy Phoenix, Mia Marsh, Stuart Downie, Dewey Dingle, Ella Clock and Roger Belby.

Their family and friends have packed the auditorium to watch the graduates cross that stage and get their undergraduate degree diplomas.

The president of the University gives the welcome address, although it seems that nobody is listening to him.

Stuart Downie, the valedictorian of the class of 42, stands up to give his speech. He congratulates his fellow classmates and urges them to never stop learning in life.

And he's serious. He's still learning as he walks off the stage and back to his seat!

And then he proceeds to tell Dewey Dingle that his sister, Susie Dingle, is hot stuff. Hands off Stuart, she's still in high school!

Meanwhile, Felix Marsh doesn't quite know what to make of the boy sitting next to him. Especially when E.T. starts to tell him about the aliens.

Salutatorian of the class of 42, Roger Belby, rises to give his speech. He's a shy guy, so he gets a little stage fright as he looks out on all those eyes staring back at him. Little does he know, noone's really paying attention anyway. But he quickly recovers and goes on to talk about the good times they all had at LHU and his pride of being a part of such a great class.

And then the big moment arrives as the graduates make their way across the stage and come down on the other side as college graduates!

After the ceremony, family and friends swarm their graduates in congratulatory hugs and cheers. Ella Clock can't even be seen in the midst of her large family!

But she does get the chance to finally introduce her parents to her boyfriend, Jimmy Phoenix. Her parents still don't know about her pregnancy and miscarriage, and Ella prefers to keep it that way.

Dewey Dingle is happy to see his parents and siblings in the audience. Harvey gives his son a rare hug/handshake and everyone is surprised. Harvey seldom shows emotions like that, being evil and all. Dewey's girlfriend, Gloria Sheffield, is also there. Although Dewey's still not sure what he wants to do about that relationship.

Stuart Downie has eyes only for the love of his life, Rose Sheffield. He's so happy to finally be done with Uni and he's ready to start a life with Rose. He's missed her so much these last 3 years!

Roger Belby and Mia Marsh find their siblings in the crowd. Felix and Lydia are living together now, along with their toddler daughter; and Roger and Mia think they might one day become sibling-in-laws. Mia had a rough time in college, and wasn't exactly sure if she would graduate or not. In fact, she hasn't really graduated yet. She still has one more semester of Uni, but the college let her walk early with her original class.

And now, the posed pictures! Here's the last group shot of the Class of Simday 42. You will notice that they each have a different hood and tassel color, and that is because they all have different majors. I've recolored the graduation outfits/hats so that each major has it's own color, like a real University does it. Nerdy, I know, but fun!

In this picture: green is Biology, yellow is History, orange is Political Science, light blue is Drama, red is Philosophy, and pink is Psychology.

The ever-growing Clock family! Ella is pictured here with her parents, Stephen and Harmony Clock; her older brother Max with his girlfriend Danielle and their twins Evan and Sarah; and her 4 younger brothers Huntley, Oliver, Liam and Charlie.

Ella graduated with a 3.3 GPA and a degree in Political Science. Ella held key roles in the LHU Student Government until her senior year when she had to focus on her pregnancy and her falling grades. Ella hopes to enter into politics and start building some experience so that she can one day run for Mayor. She's not sure where she's going to live now that she's done with Uni, but she's been talking to her friend Gloria Sheffield about renting an apartment together. She plans on continuing to date Jimmy Phoenix, her boyfriend of almost 3 years but there has been no talk of marriage at this time.

Here's Ella Clock and her boyfriend Jimmy Phoenix. Jimmy graduated with a 3.4 GPA and a degree in History. Jimmy isn't quite sure what kind of a job he wants to pursue, but he thinks he's going to try to get into teaching. He loves history and would probably like to be a high school history teacher. He's not sure where he's going to live, although he'd love to talk Ella into moving in together. But after their miscarriage, he's just not sure she's ready for it yet. Maybe Roger Belby will want to rent a place together in the meantime?

Here's Dewey Dingle with his son Finn, his parents Harvey and Keri, and his siblings Susie and E.T. Dewey graduated with a 3.2 GPA and a degree in Philosophy. Dewey participated in the campus Greek life where he was a fraternity member for 3 years. Now Dewey doesn't know what he wants to do in life, so he'll probably pick up some odd jobs here and there until he figures it out. But one thing he knows for sure, he wants to be a part of his new son's life. And he'll do whatever it takes to make that happen.

Dewey is still currently dating Gloria Sheffield, although if he could really have it his way, he'd be dating her best friend, Mia. Mia is the mother of his child, and Dewey is still in love with her. But Mia is a romance kind of gal, and she's still trying to keep him at arm's length, although it's not working as well as she would have hoped. Poor Gloria has no idea.

Here's Dewey and Mia with their new baby, Finn Marsh.

The Marsh and Belby families are inter-connected now that Felix and Lydia have really gotten serious. Lydia is Roger's sister, and Felix is Mia's brother. Felix and Lydia have a daughter, Jolie Marsh.

Mia Marsh will graduate at the end of the next semester, although the university let her walk early with her friends. Mia was put on academic probation during her freshman year, but she has since pulled her GPA up from a 2.0 to a 2.8. She's majoring in Drama and hopes to enter some kind of show business, whether for acting or dancing or music. She'll probably move in with her brother and his girlfriend once she finishes her last semester. That way she'll have lots of help with Finn, and she can take some time to really think about things with Dewey.

Roger Belby graduated with a 3.5 GPA and a degree in Biology. He was the Salutatorian of his class. Roger participated in the Student Help Center on campus as a student tutor. Roger plans on going to medical school to further his education and become a doctor. Roger is still reeling from a whirlwind romance with Ella Clock, but she doesn't seem to think it was anything serious because she's still with Jimmy Phoenix. He guesses he'll just have to find a roommate to live with for the next few years.

And finally, here's Stuart Downie with his girlfriend of 3 years, Rose Sheffield. Stuart graduated with a 3.5 GPA and a degree in Psychology. He was the Valedictorian of his class. Stuart worked for Campus Security during his time at LHU. He hopes to put that experience as well as his degree to good use as he pursues a career in the Intelligence field. He plans on moving in with his girlfriend and popping the question sometime soon!

A bonus picture. Keri Dingle just couldn't take her eyes off her new grandson, Finn! Too cute.

week 6, special, university, pons, sheffield, dingle, downie, graduations, belby, marsh, phoenix, clock

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