Sawyer Lightfoot Gets Married

Mar 27, 2011 22:22

You are cordially invited to the wedding ceremony of Sawyer Terrence Lightfoot and Joanna Marie Gilbert.

"Let me not to the marriage of true minds

Admit impediments. Love is not love

Which alters when it alteration finds,

Or bends with the remover to remove:

O no! it is an ever-fixed mark

That looks on tempests and is never shaken;

It is the star to every wandering bark,

Whose worth's unknown, although his height be taken.

Love's not Time's fool, though rosy lips and cheeks

Within his bending sickle's compass come:

Love alters not with his brief hours and weeks,

But bears it out even to the edge of doom.

If this be error and upon me proved,

I never writ, nor no man ever loved.

~William Shakespeare


And so, Joanna Marie Gilbert became Mrs. Joanna Lightfoot and our dear Sawyer gained a wife.

Now on to the silly sim-ness of this wedding! As you can see, Sawyer and Joanna had a small wedding, although it was definitely bigger than the Gates wedding. In attendance were the very pregnant Celia Gates and her husband Seth, Best Man Harvey Dingle and his wife Keri, and finally, Maid of Honor and Sister of the Groom Penelope Lightfoot and her date Clay Peshterianu.

The wedding and reception were held at the new City Hall which is located in Little Hollywick's City Center. I built this building as a workplace for my Politics sims (since both Ella Clock and Sawyer Lightfoot wish to join this career track), and I figured it would also serve as a good place for quick, simple, and affordable weddings. The City Hall has a little wedding chapel and also an outdoor courtyard which is just perfect for wedding receptions. A wedding at this venue only costs $1,000 for the rental fee. Basic decorations are included, although interested couples can also bring their own decorations. Wedding cake not included.

It was an interesting mix of guests, that's for sure. Penelope Lightfoot brought her current love interest, Clay Peshterianu, as her date. Also in attendance were Clay's ex-girlfriend and mother of his child, Celia Gates, and her new husband. Seth doesn't seem to happy to see Clay there!

Penelope doesn't find Harvey's evil cackle very funny at all.

However, she does find time to swoon over her date, Clay Peshterianu. She especially likes his new haircut. (The yellow headband on his old dreadlocks just didn't go well with his suit!)

The reception was held out in the courtyard gardens of City Hall. Much dancing ensued, and a little hanky-panky from Harvey Dingle. No surprise there, although I don't hear Keri complaining!

I can't tell if Celia is happy that her ex-boyfriend has moved on after their breakup, or if she's re-thinking her decision to leave him. I'll have to see what kind of wants she's rolling the next time I play her. But I'm inclined to believe that she's happy for him since she seems to be very happy and very much in love with her new hubby, Seth.

The cake was cut and the guests were happy.

Sawyer's sister, Penelope, gave the toast to the newlyweds. And then there was more lovey-dovey-ness from Sawyer and Joanna.

In fact, I think Sawyer and Joanna inspire all of my other couples to be more lovey-dovey. This is a perfect example of how ACR kicked in all of a sudden for everyone all at once. Now tell me that's not cute!

Penelope and Clay had their very first kiss at the wedding. And many more after the wedding.

I told you they were very mushy, and oh-so-adorable together!


Now for some of the posed pictures; some of which are now hanging on the walls in the Lightfoot home.

The Bride and Groom, Joanna & Sawyer Lightfoot

The Wedding Party
(Best Man: Harvey Dingle, Maid of Honor: Penelope Lightfoot)

The Lightfoot Family


Random Pictures:

Penelope obsessed over Harvey Dingle throughout the entire wedding!

Demon Siblings


Gameplay Notes:

--Harvey Dingle was the highest friendship that Sawyer had at the time of the wedding, so he became the best man. Since he was Sawyer's only friend at the time, he was also the only groomsman.
--Joanna didn't have any friends at all, besides Penelope, so it was easy to pick her attendants as well.
--Everyone else that came to the wedding were acquaintances of Sawyer's, which means their relationship scores with him were above 30. Any score below that I don't consider as close enough to invite to a wedding. The one exception for this is dates. Sawyer did not have a high relationship with Clay, but Clay came as Penelope's date. I think the same was true for Keri Dingle.
--The City Hall is my first example of career buildings, although I suppose the High School technically counts as well. I will be constructing a building for each of the career tracks once a sim is employed in that track. Then I will most likely stage a few shots for updates to show the sim "at work". This should be fun and I'm looking forward to it.

lightfoot, special, dingle, week 5, gates, peshterianu, gameplay, weddings

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