Okay, so I'm still a little "iffy" on how I want to play the town; but I'm sure over time it will all work out. There will most likely be more changes in the future if something about it just isn't working for me. But for now, this is what will happen:
Little Hollywick will no longer be a BaCC. I really enjoyed that challenge, but there's a limit to how much enjoyment I get out of doing nothing but reaching rank 10 in business after business after business. But one good thing is that it really showed me how much fun having sims own a business can be. I just don't want to do that and only that.
Challenge. Little Hollywick will not be a challenge at all. I want to kind of do my own thing. I don't want to have an end goal in mind or anything like that. That being said, the town will be played pseudo-prosperity style. Meaning I will continue to play each house for the same number of days.
Realism. I want to inject some realism into Little Hollywick. So I am going to be adding things like mortgages, college tuition, career education requirements including post-graduate schooling, fines and punishments for "criminal" acts, government and elections, etc.
Aging. I will continue to use the Maxis aging system, and sims will only age up on their actual birthday, as before. My original idea was going to be to make a more realistic round system. I was going to play each family for 2 simdays, which would equal 2 years. And I was going to change the number of days in each lifestage to reflect real life aging. But then I did some math based on how many families I have and how many rounds it would take for a sim to age up...it would have taken over a year of posting an update every single day for a sim to make it all the way through the adult lifestage and become an elder. That just doesn't work for me. I'm the kind of person who needs to see forward progress and I need to see it fast. Unfortunately that means that I can't add that little bit of realism to the game, but I'll make up for it in other areas! Also, it's too much thinking and effort, and I just want to play the game and have fun!
University. One of the big changes that will come into play at the end of this current sim-week is that I will be adding a University, and Max Clock will head to college at the end of the week. Since I want to keep the kids age differences in check, I've come up with a way to have them go to college but still graduate at different times. So Max will spend 1 year in college during Week 5 and 3 years during Week 6, and Ella and Dewey will join him for his final year in Week 6. I'll explain this system in detail when it happens.
New Residents. I will still be adding new residents every week, same as always. These sims will still come from my alphabetical friends list system.
Miscellaneous. There are lots of other little things that I am going to start doing; "guidelines" as I've been calling them. They're just little things here and there that will give my sims more of a voice and let them direct their own lives. There are too many things to list here. But I will mention them in gameplay notes when they happen throughout the upcoming posts. So keep an eye out for those!
Subject to Change. Like I said before, I will most likely add things to this...or even take them away. I may end up eventually moving to the 2 year system for aging, but I doubt it. At least not in the near future.
So that's it for now. Just a brief summary of some of the big changes in Little Hollywick. You won't see much change in the updates, although they won't be as business centered. Feel free to ask any questions about the things I've mentioned here!
The next update will be a School Days update to start Week 5 off, and it will be a little later on today.