This is Celia Gates' pride and joy, The Blueberry Bakery. She may be a man-loving romance sim, but she also loves to bake. In fact it's her favorite thing to do in the whole world...even more so than woohoo. I had originally planned on moving the bakery into the new Main Street building, but I really love this little bakery just the way it is. So it will not move to the Main Street least for now! See
this update if you want to see a tour of the bakery, since it's been awhile since we were last here. Otherwise, come on in and see how business has been going for Celia.
Celia Gates wakes up early every morning, long before the sun comes up. She has her breakfast with Clay before she leaves the house, and then she heads to the bakery. She spends the morning in the kitchen, baking all sorts of pies and cakes to fill the shelves for the long day ahead. It's her favorite time of the day.
Once the patrons start to arrive, Celia has no time to spend in the kitchen. She has to deal with the business side of the bakery. At the start of week 4, Celia only has 1 employee to help her with all of the work that needs to be done: sales, restocking, ringing up customers, and working the espresso bar! During week 3 she had 3 employees, but they must have quit because only 1 shows up when she opens for business on the first day of week 4. After she spends all day on the register, surrounded by unhappy customers and full shelves of cold food (because nobody is selling to the customers, and therefore nobody is buying!), Celia decides that she needs to hire more employees.
So she hires the guy with gray hair in the blue jacket. He has a bronze badge in sales, so Celia lets him have at it! And boy, he's great! Before long, he has a gold badge in sales and pies and cakes are just flying off those shelves.
Having another employee in the bakery has given Celia more time to work on her baking and restocking those empty shelves! Just look at all of those hungry customers!
Having another employee also lets Celia have more time to really interact with her customers. Hey, a girl needs to take a break every once in awhile!
At the end of the day, Celia takes stock of what has sold and what needs to be replaced. The shelves are very empty, which is a good thing. The bakery has risen back to rank 10, after falling to rank 7 during the first day. So Celia spends some time alone in the bakery, cleaning up and taking inventory. Then she goes home to Clay and to Sam, unless she feels frisky in which case she heads over to
The Zebra Room for a cocktail.
Either way, she'll be up long before the sun rises tomorrow, and she'll do it all over again.
So that's everything for the Gates family for Week 4. The next update will introduce us to Lucy Wells as she starts her life in Little Hollywick!