Pinched from
venom69 Favorite:
01. Color: Green
02. Number: 13
03. Letter: M
04. Non-Alcoholic drink: Diet coke
05. Alcoholic drink: Malibu and lemonade
06. Food: Mexican
07. Fruit: pear
08. Vegetable: asparagus
09. Artist/band: Lifehouse
10. TV show: Bones.
11. Movie: The Fifth Element
12. Actor: Uh... Let's go with Patrick Stewart.
13. Actress: Torri Higginson, Teryl Rothery
14. Other Celeb: dunno
15. Season: summer
16. Candy: Reese's Peanut Butter cup
17. Country other than your own: Scotland
18. Name for a girl: Meredith
19. Name for a boy: Olen
20. Animal: Horse (specifically Buddy)
21. Book: Daughter of the Forest by Juliet Marillier
22. Accent: Australian
23. Scent: vanilla
24. City in your own country: San Diego
25. Website: Yahoo mail.
C'mon now, everybody do it!