As of this weekend, I am a proud owner of an original piece of artwork (not done by yours truly)! Not-coincidentally, it was one of the few things I could afford at the Palo Alto art festival. :) Kinda neat, the artist said he specifically made a few sculptured pieces that were cheaper and people could buy and walk off with- which is exactly what I did. Not a bad purchase for $40 in my opinion. ( if you're interested in his other stuff)
It's made from ONE rectangular piece of metal with the inside square cut out and folded in front of it. He repeated this motif 5 times. (Does this make sense??) But it all started off with one rectangular piece that was 15" x 10". Pretty neat I thought!! (Stacey, the clock will kinda show you the size of the piece, but it won't be going in the kitchen. I was thinking in the living room next to the right of the door.) Its neat as is but I think it would be awesome with photographs stuck to the wall behind each opening, almost functioning as a picture frame. And I will be volunteering my roommate Stacey to photograph/select which pictures we'll be displaying. B&W preferably, don't you all agree?!?
Full view:
Side shot. See how its just one piece of metal?!? I LOVE that!
Perspective shot: