EVERYTHING BAD IN THE WORLD IS YOUR FAULT...never mind, that's for later.

Jun 05, 2015 21:13

I'm so conflicted, because Josh and Maya are really cute, and I'm glad that they acknowledged the role that Maya loving the Matthews family plays in things, and they're not wrong that three years isn't a big age gap in the long run, but ughhh she's fourteen he's entitled to be uncomfortable with her crush if it makes him uncomfortable.

No Lucas this episode -- maybe because his role as the group's moral compass would complicate a straightforward lesson about listening to your conscience? -- but there was Zay! Seriously, you guys, I love Zay. I'm glad he's sticking around. His glee at knowing the answer was brilliant. (I KNOW THINGS. I know things about you.) (Zay and Farkle would be an interesting team to play with in future episodes, I'm just saying.)

Hey, remember the Boy Meets World episodes where high-school-age Shawn got mistaken for a college student and discovered that he really liked it (until he realized he didn't have the academic grounding to do well at things like papers)? This episode was not exactly a retake on that theme, but I was nevertheless amused that Riley was the one who instantly fit in without trying. BEAT NOTRE DAME! I know it would kind of defy Disney Channel's general aesthetic but I hope the show sticks around long enough for us to see the girls go to college and Riley join a sorority for real. She was voted best friend to have!

I liked Josh's college friends, too. Aside from the "why aren't you responding positively to this fourteen-year-old's crush on you" thing. (Because she's fourteen and his niece's best friend. That's why.) But they seemed like good kids! (God, I am old enough that I can call Josh's college friends "good kids" I am not the target audience for this show.) And Andrew's response to "I thought you were dead" was perfect.

The titular tater tot was weird but funny, so I give it a pass. It's exactly the kind of thing Riley would imagine, it's just weird that it affected Maya and then Auggie in the same way. (Unless Riley is a reality warper of some sort, which ... would not surprise me as much as it should.)

fandom, girl meets world

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