Just watched the premiere of Being Human (US) on Syfy.
My thoughts have not changed significantly since watching the leak, but whatever:
I wish they'd built up Sally's introduction more. Just have small flashes of movement during the moving-in montage or something. As it is it goes "Oh yeah a woman died here"/moving-in scene/kitchen scene/OHAI I'M A GHOST. IDK. Missed opportunity.
Aidan still doesn't have enough charisma for me. Maybe as Sam Witwer settles into the role more I'll like him more? He'll never compete with Mitchell, though.
I do like the Aidan/Josh friendship. I don't want the Josh/Sally enmity to be a major plotline, I want them to get over it and be BFF quickly. :| Aidan trying and failing to hold Sally's hand in comfort made me all misty-eyed.
Sally's pretty nifty. Still wish they'd separated her more from Annie, because it invites comparisons (unfavorable, because the original is superior in every respect) when they should be striking out on their own. This episode's at its best when it's the furthest away from the original, like the Josh & Emily storyline; when it gets close I start shaking my head.
Mark Pellegrino will never stop being Jacob to me. Which I realize sets me apart from the Supernatural viewers on my flist (for whom he'll presumably never stop being ... whoever he played on Supernatural, IDK), but for me he will always be Jacob.
Rebecca's mother sounds remarkably unconcerned about her missing and possibly dead daughter over the phone, doesn't she?
The cliffhanger still doesn't work for me. Sorry.
The end trailer suggests that they're going to be doing a lot of retreads of plotlines from the original show (George/Josh meets a werewolf who mentors him (badly)! Annie/Sally meets a fellow ghost who teaches her how to ~live! the gang try to bond with the neighbors!) which is not encouraging but Never Trust A Trailer, so.
Final verdict: Not as terrible a trainwreck as I feared. I'll keep watching for now.