Sep 02, 2007 23:14
First, what I would define as a quality man (based on my own hopes):
A man who is a gentleman (that includes acknowledging manners, and using them), and an equal. He has a good sense of humour, is able to carry a conversation over a diverse array of topics, is wise and careful with his thoughts and words, is good at listening, is good at communicating. He values hard work and education, but also acknowledges that paths can vary, as long as one works hard on one's chosen path, and as long as the path itself is wise, though wisdom can often be found in risks. Is patient, and loves children, and is romantic. Honours, respects, and values his wife. Is a man of God. Loves literature and music, and respects the arts, even if he does not fully understand all forms of it. Also, has a decent sense of style. I'm not desiring some metrosexual self-grooming-obsessed man who can't stand to wear anything but Armani suits, but I expect him to at least know how to co-ordinate his clothing, whether it be casual, semi-formal, or formal. He must also love dancing.. and hopefully be rather decent at it.
Appreciates beauty in life, and is optimistic, but also reasonable and logical. Appreciates purity, and the gifts of purity. Yes.. mainly, the gift of virginity. I value mine highly, which is a strong factor in my choice to not have sex before marriage. I expect my husband to value such a thing just as highly as I do. Also appreciates things such as.. a first kiss. I do not view kissing lightly (unless it's the greeting sort like some in Europe do).. and I hope that whoever gets my first kiss realises how much it means to me.
Now, let's move to the topic that many women scorn over: the apparent lack of quality men. Mind you, some of you may have differing views on some of the things I've listed above. But some other things many of you might agree on.
However, I do not think this "lack" is solely the male's fault. For why should a man raise his standards, if he is already so capable of finding some woman who will take him?
Yes, I partly blame women for the lack of "quality men". Because let's face it. Women can be so ridiculously easy in their desperation for a relationship that men probably see no point in striving to be any better than they are at that moment. I think, if women all strived to never accept anything other than quality (that is, quality in their own views, since the definition of quality can vary based on one's own interests), then men would of course would soon get the hint and maybe try working a little harder at being a better man, a better match for a woman who knows what she wants, and knows what pleases her.
I don't know.. but I really admire women who are in their 30's and are still single. Perhaps they've dated in the past, but they realise that they need something more, and they're not willing to settle for mediocrity.
Of course, I do not speak often with men on this matter, so for all I know, there could be a lot of men out there wondering where all the quality women have gone, and perhaps everything I have mentioned above can be applied to them as well, in that men shouldn't settle for mediocrity either.
And please people, I sincerely hope you don't interpret my use of the word "mediocrity" to suggest a "plain Jane/Joe", since that would be a sorrily shallow definition.
In order to get something "more", one must accept no less, and never falter from such a personal commitment, for why accept cubic zirconia when there are diamonds to be found?