⟶ sticky post ⟵

Sep 02, 2018 06:02

HELLO THERE! Not sure if anyone will even see this. Man, I have missed LJ like crazy, not gonna lie. LJ will probably always feel like home to me, as long as they don't change it too much. I've missed you guys so much.Anyway, I quit using Instagram and Facebook, so I made a new Livejournal because I miss expressing myself on social media and LJ is ( Read more... )

social networking, public entries, friends, sticky posts, profile

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Comments 3

heroin_ichor September 2 2018, 10:44:29 UTC
Just commenting here as further proof that this is indeed my new journal. Also, I just really missed commenting on LJ posts. I very much hope there are at least a few familiar usernames still lingering around this site.


mxyt September 3 2018, 21:06:59 UTC
add me babe!! ps: i just messaged you back yesterday <3 miss you so much


heroin_ichor September 5 2018, 19:23:22 UTC
Hey, lovely! I don't know if you saw but I commented on your most recent post, I forgot to actually respond to this comment lol.

I added you back! I miss you, too! I'm so excited to reconnected with you via LJ, where we don't have to censor ourselves as much. <3


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