⟶ sticky post ⟵

Sep 02, 2018 06:02

HELLO THERE! Not sure if anyone will even see this. Man, I have missed LJ like crazy, not gonna lie. LJ will probably always feel like home to me, as long as they don't change it too much. I've missed you guys so much.

Anyway, I quit using Instagram and Facebook, so I made a new Livejournal because I miss expressing myself on social media and LJ is the most dead social site I could think of. I may still periodically update on this journal, but here's my new main journal:

(Ignore the stupid user icon next to my journal's name, it was free and I wasn't sure what I was agreeing to until I took over my icon. It's hideous but I've been to busy to fix it yet.)

I've already written a decent number of entries, considering I only started it last month. Although most of my posts are on there are (perhaps unwisely) public, but the juicier stuff will be posted in the "Friends Only" security category.

Is anyone still around?! I'm insanely curious to know! <3

social networking, public entries, friends, sticky posts, profile

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