Portalocity Lounge, Florin, Saturday Evening

Mar 31, 2012 22:13

Harper was quickly learning that cheap portals were not a good bargain, especially when you wanted to get home without enduring six million layovers in out-of-the-way places. And that's only when they managed to get her booked through to the correct final destination.

"Look, how many times do I have to tell you? I want to go to New York City, not Wiz Tech. Yes, I'm sure Wiz Tech is a very nice place, but I'm not a wizard! Is there any way you can send me somewhere in New York where there are other mortals?" It was getting to the point where Harper felt it would be more effective to bang her head against the counter instead of trying to explain to the Portalocity attendant why the final destination on her ticket was incorrect.

But she finally seemed to be making progress when she got a supervisor to fix her ticket. Sure, she'd missed the last portal out of Florin for the evening, but the nice supervisor offered her free tickets for a guided tour of something called the Fire Swamp. Things couldn't get any worse, right?

[[NFB, but open for phone calls, text messages, or smoke signals. The latter might be the best option to actually reach her. And many thanks to apocalipped for suggesting the Fire Swamp way back when I was brainstorming.]]

why portalocity why?

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