Feb 04, 2005 15:21
Hello my friends and anyone who might read this! :)
I was reading castingcrown's xanga and he wrote something that I believe everyone needs to read and hear! Its scary how many people just believe what people say just because those people are saying they are speaking on behalf of God! We need to go to the Bible and see if it really is truth! Please read this because I think every christian needs to read this because its a matter of being lead astray or knowing the truth! Love you all!
"...so for the most part, you've got some really good things that come from the internet, but of course you've got really bad stuff too. when i say that, most people think of pornography, but you know... that's just the beginning.
it seems as though satan has been able to use the internet to his complete advantage in areas that you and i really wouldn't have noticed unless we pay close attention....
how many times have you searched for things on the internet relating to THE BIBLE and come across false teachings? such things as..."you must speak in tongues if you are REALLY filled with the Holy Spirit..." "you can lose your salvation by choosing to disobey God or just not accept it anymore" "homosexuality isn't really that wrong..."
and it is because we see them talking about GOD and THE BIBLE and THE HOLY SPIRIT that sometimes we fall into those traps...and in order to not allow ourselves to fall into empty thinking we must know what the Bible teaches.
colossians 2:8 - "See to it that no one takes you captive through hollow and deceptive philosophy, which depends on human tradition and the basic principles of this world rather than on Christ."
here's the deal, guys. The Bible is the only weapon that we, as Christians, have against satan (thanks Beth Moore!!) YOU HAVE TO KNOW WHAT IT SAYS...
you shouldn't read what i say here to be fact without reading it in the Bible for yourself. you shouldn't listen to your sunday school teacher, your small group leader, or even your pastor without reading the scriptures that they talk about for yourself.
here's a challenge for you... how many years have you been a believer? can you quote, even one, scripture for each year that you've been a believer?
sadly, not many of us can...yet, The BIBLE is our most effective tool against satan... and we don't know what it says."