less depressing by means and averages

Sep 02, 2006 09:50

several times these past couple weeks ive thought to myselfhey mike you know what you should do, make a post. say some stuff and let the folks know whats going on man, perhaps you can make it funny like it used to be and then when people read it they will say- he may just be a little bitch but i did laugh at the way with words

probably not voice in my head im just too down to put the effort in you see ill get started and then realize that i have done what amounts to what is not a good story on paper. ive been subject to intermittent streaks of captivation by the interweb and civ4 coupled with the few days i move piles of junk from here to there in my apartment, go to work in lafayette which i dont really cause its a shithole, or try something else mildly productive like say uhm well i made really tasty burgers last night with tasty marinade-ish type sauces (that balsamic vinaigrette stuff chaed bought at costco, mr yoshida's original, and wishtoshire w/ some onion powder and salt n pepper.) i got rich to eat one without mustard even they were all sweet and juicy and well very good so mayhaps ill remember to make them again. otherwise im still a so so broke and need to get the saab new cv boots and a job and look at schools and where i stand for transfers and alla that. also i got offered a part in a play or rather a asked to try out for parts in a play and im supposed to take care of the neighbor guys two cats and bird- at least i think its one bird- while he does his week for a dui and uhm regular ole technology schtuff getting things set up for other folk.  went to the fort on wednesday to give my dad a cable for his digital cam before they left for virginia and washed clothes and went to the shop and negotiated armando into 200 bucks and a clean tab which was kindof what i expected. so yeah after that ive done nothing but wash some dishes and cook a couple times- those washed clothes are in my car still even. and yeah i have to go to the bank now so i can have money in my account to pay some of my bills at least. wee. so this would have been better but i have to go be responsible and act like a person and do things. right thats it. oh also i woke up with a really bad cramp in my calf which i couldnt reach. and as a side note i cant stop watching glenn beck. that man just makes me giggle. i know hes an alcoholic mormon and kindof an ass. but hes a funny straight talking ass and shares my well developed paranoias. besides i fit the demographic of disillusioned 18-34yo males /shrug. k bai.
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