Oct 17, 2006 01:34
Heroes is getting less interesting. I continue to love Studio 60 despite all its faults. I'm such a sucker for good dialogue. And tomorrow is the best show on television: Friday Night Lights, which I love with an intensity that scares the living daylights out of me. I mean, there's only been two episodes. Really shouldn't get attached like this.
Got in my first car accident this weekend. True to my boring life, it was a fender-bender in a Rite Aid parking lot. Still a bit scary, and my friend who was driving got chewed out by the cop for asking the other driver if she was looking where she was going. Ah, small towns. (He has TN plates, btw. Lived in the town most of his life, but not long enough.) The three of us in the car ate pizza while waiting for the cops to arrive; it fogged up the windows as we chowed down and everyone looked at us like we were crazy. (Note to self: bacon, mushrooms, green olives, and black olives are a good combination.)
Tigers are going to the World Series! In a TV lounge in heaven, Grandma has spilled her Budweiser can while leaping up to hug all her men.
I just realized that I'm late paying off my credit card. There goes another $20 that I can't afford!
Found out today that my doc had brain surgery this summer and now can't remember she's a doctor and is closing her practice. She was fabulous, really helped me when I was scared out of my wits. I'm really shocked and saddened.
Giving platelets tomorrow, so I should go to sleep. But I'm frustrated that I want to update my LJ and haven't been able to do so (from sheer lack of writing prowess) and here I am, typing.
Bah. Edging a little close to emo land, there. I should be happy, because I'm getting cookies tomorrow. Cookies!
friday night lights,
studio 60,