The True Hunter [7/7]

Oct 12, 2010 22:25

Title: The True Hunter [7/7]
Author: myself and mrs_saint_jimmy who RP this with me.
Rating:  M
Pairing:  Billie/Mike
Summary: Billie Joe, a vampire hunter, has an unexpected run-in with the vampire Mike. Unable to defeat him, Mike takes Billie Joe home for a late-night snack…
Warnings:  yaoi, swearing, violence, and blood. Lots of blood…
Disclaimer: this did not happen and thus I do not own anything!

Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6

Months passed as Billie Joe grew to control his vampire powers. He became more at ease with killing human criminals and loved Mike’s words of praise when he did things correctly. He steadily grew closer to Mike and often enjoyed being with him. He began to see Mike’s personality beyond the vampire persona he used to hide emotions and slowly, Mike began to see Billie Joe in a new light as well. It pained him to think about how lonely he was before Billie Joe came along and pained him more when he thought about what it would be like when Billie Joe left. He had grown attached to the ex-hunter and loved to see him smile.

But this had to end before they reached the point where Mike wouldn’t allow Billie Joe to leave because of the fear of loneliness.

Mike approached the younger vampire who was lying across the sofa reading a book, ‘Frankenstein? He has good taste in literature… wait that’s my book isn’t it? Oh well.’ Mike dismissed his thoughts. “Billie Joe, I have some good news for you.”

Billie Joe put the book down with a small smile, “Let me guess? You killed someone, took their wallet and bought me new jeans?”

Mike smiled at Billie’s humour, he was going to miss it. “Actually I think you’re ready, you can make it on your own now... so you’re free to leave whenever you want.”

The dark-haired vampire’s jaw dropped, he had no idea what to say. “I... I don’t want to go. I’ve really grown to like it here... and you.”

“Oh, so you don’t hate me anymore. That’s progress I suppose.”

“I stopped hating you about a week after I changed, and since then you have supported me and shown me how I should not feel guilty about surviving... and my feelings changed.”

Mike smiled almost sadly, he wished he knew about this the whole time. “Well good, I feel so un-despised. Now come on, there is a whole world out there waiting for you, a whole world and forever to experience it. Surely you’d rather be doing that than being stuck here.”

“Y’know, for someone who has been around for seven-hundred and something years, you’re pretty clueless when someone is trying to tell you something. The reason I didn’t take the photograph of my family back at my apartment was because I realised I never had a real life... I died along with my family and never really experienced any emotional bonds after that. So I decided this was my chance to start over and become a new person. You showed me what kind of person to be and I don’t want to be anything else now... I’m not entirely sure what this emotion I’m feeling is, but I know it’s the reason I don’t want to be without you. There’s more you can teach me, more you can show me. You said there’s a whole world out there and forever to experience it and I don’t want to experience it alone, I want you with me. And I can understand if you don’t want me around anymore, I’ve just been a pain in the ass to you. So just say the word and I’ll go... but if you’ll have me... I’d rather stay.”

Mike stood there stunned, he hadn’t expected that. “I’ve been pretty much alone for 724 years... i-if you feel you want to stay, then by all means stay... I would really... it would... I would like it if you stayed too.”

Billie smiled up at him, “thank you.”

“I’d love for you to stay Kitten.” Mike leaned down from his standing position and kissed Billie Joe on the head gently. “I want to show you the world, you can finally truly live.”

“With you?”

“Yes, with me. You can do whatever you want now.”

“C-Can we go out?”

“Where do you want to go?”

“Anywhere, go out to eat, enjoy the night... I mean we don’t have to do that if you don’t want to, it isn’t up to me and I’m probably going to start babbling soon so please feel free to interrupt me.”

Mike thought about things for a moment, “Tell ya what, the bay on the other side of the city is really nice all lit up at night. We could go there?”

Billie nodded with an excited smile. “Let’s go!”

After a thirteen second run, Billie Joe found himself in Mike’s arms in the bay surrounded by people. “Are you going to let go of me? I know I’m a slow runner but we’re kind of stationary right now...”

Mike shook his head, “Sorry, you’re staying here. Wanna see a really great view?” Without waiting for a reply, Mike zoomed to the top tower of the Golden Gate Bridge where the city was lit up like fireflies.

“Wow... it’s amazing!”

Mike nodded in agreement. “I’ve seen so many things... I’ve seen London burn, I saw when they first turned on the electric street lights of New York, I saw the ends of wars and so much more... but this beats all of them for some reason.”

Billie looked up at Mike from the safety of his arms and mentally decided he prefers that view. “So you’re not too afraid of heights then?” Mike asked with a grin.

“Well I know I won’t die if I fall... that helps.”

“I’d imagine it would hurt though. I’ve fallen off a cliff before and that hurt.”

“But I would heal, just like you did.” Billie sighed, “I’m sorry I hated you before.”

Mike smiled a little, “It’s ok, I’m over it. Sorry for intending to kill you.”

“That’s ok, I’m used to it.” Billie looked at the view again and sighed, “I’ve never left this city before, please, show me everything.”

“I will show you everything. There is so much beauty out there... I haven’t left this city for seventy years and now it will be a new world to explore.”

“I’d love to see where you lived as a human...”

“I would also like to see what has become of that place. We’ll leave whenever you want.”

Billie Joe smiled, “You’re amazing.”

Mike leaned down and kissed Billie on the lips softly. “I think I’m in love with you Billie Joe...”

“I feel the same Mike.” He kissed him back and finally felt like he was truly alive for the first time.


Oh no! The end is here!

But fear not! For the sequel The True Enemy.

Plot preview: 67 years after Billie Joe was turned into a vampire, Billie and Mike are in Czech Republic and meet the vampire group led by Gerard Way. They’re on the run from a powerful vampire hunter who has now taken an interest in hunting Billie Joe and Mike, and seems to know Billie Joe from his human days. Who and what is this vampire hunter? Tré Cool.

paring: billie/mike, rating: m

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