The True Hunter [5/7]

Aug 14, 2010 19:18

Title: The True Hunter [5/7]
Author: myself and mrs_saint_jimmy who RP this with me.
Rating:  M
Pairing:  Billie/Mike
Summary: Billie Joe, a vampire hunter, has an unexpected run-in with the vampire Mike. Unable to defeat him, Mike takes Billie Joe home for a late-night snack…
Warnings:  yaoi, swearing, violence, and blood. Lots of blood…
Disclaimer: this did not happen and thus I do not own anything!

Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4

Billie woke the next night when a pale hand shook his shoulder. Green eyes met blue eyes and Mike tossed some fabrics at Billie Joe. “I brought you some clothes.”

Billie Joe looked down at himself. He was covered in blood, most of it his own, and his shirt had a hole through it from the stake that killed him. He took the clothes from Mike’s hands and went to the bathroom to change. He returned in a baggy white shirt and dark trousers, both of which had been rolled up several times, making him look like a child playing dress-up in adults clothing.

Mike stifled a laugh. “We should probably get you some clothes that fit better.” He bit his lip to hold back giggles, “At least these aren’t bloodstained...”

Billie grumbled, “Not my fault you’re a giant.”

“I’m average size, you’re just smaller than me.” Before Billie could argue Mike spoke again, “You need to make your first kill tonight.”

All of Billie Joe’s ‘I’m not short’ arguments flew out of his mind. “Yes... I know. But I’ll only feed on criminals.”

“You’re going to trawl the streets at night looking for rapists and murderers on the prowl?”

“It won’t be hard to find in the city. And as for clothes, can I stop by my old apartment and get some of my own clothes?”

Mike thought about this for a moment. “I suppose that would be reasonable. Just don’t try eating any of the food you may have had waiting for dinner. You’ll make yourself sick if you try eating human food.”

Billie put on his shoes and coat, and then followed Mike through the city. Billie Joe was slower than Mike anyway, but he couldn’t help slowing further to look around him. There was so much more noise, more light, more life. He could hear every heartbeat for a mile, listen to every conversation and see in the dark as clearly as he could in the day and then some. He could see everything almost at a cellular level. It was exhilarating and he felt stronger than he had ever thought possible.

Mike led him to an alley where a man, about 40 years old, stood. He was tanned and he had a dark receding hairline with a shaggy beard. He wore a dark trench coat covering most of his body and before anything else Billie Joe noticed the smell of this man: alcohol and most likely weed. “I’m pretty sure that guy is a drug dealer. All you have to do is bite where the artery is, here.” Mike pointed on Billie’s neck and then his own neck. “Cover his mouth first so he doesn’t scream, got it?”

Billie Joe nodded and started to sneak into the alley, combining new vampire powers with his old techniques. Mike watched while silently praying, ‘Don’t fuck it up.’ Billie closed his eyes and concentrated on what he was about to do. ‘Gag then bite... gag then bite... gag then bite...’ Billie opened his eyes and grabbed the man harshly, forgetting his new strength, and leaned down to bite before his ears were filled with the sound of a sickening crack.

Mike slapped his forehand with his hand, “Oh Billie... well at least he won’t struggle now.”

“I didn’t mean to snap his neck!” Billie hissed. He leaned down again and found the artery and bit into the man’s neck. The scent and the taste of blood overwhelmed Billie Joe’s senses and he feasted on the man like an animal. Mike simply watched as the man’s throat was ripped out by the small, almost innocent looking demon.

Billie eventually finished and knew the sarcastic comments were about to start pouring out of Mike’s mouth. “Well, Kitten- that lacked grace to say the least. You nearly ripped his head off and you pulled his throat out, Kitten.”

“Great observations now stop calling me that!” Billie wiped his face with his sleeve.

“Come on, I’ll show you how it’s done.” Mike led Billie Joe into another alley where a woman was getting mugged. “A-ha, bingo.”

“You’re going after a mugger? I thought you didn’t care.”

“I thought I would. Seeing you only go after muggers and dealers made me feel bad.”

“Aww, the big scary vampire is influenced by the newbie.” Billie teased.

“Shut it. Now watch and learn.” Mike grabbed the mugger from behind and put a hand over his mouth. “Hey, missy- you run along now, I’ve got this guy.”

“Th-Thank you.” The woman ran past Billie Joe who was watching Mike intently.

Mike bit the man’s neck neatly and drank his blood without spilling a drop. “Half your guy’s blood is sprayed all over the alley, you can finish this one. You need it more than I since you’re a new vampire.” Mike gave the man to Billie who drank from him, trying to be more careful. “Don’t worry, you’ll get better. You’ll also have no problem with killing once your humanity fades.”

Billie dropped the corpse in rage. “That won’t happen! I won’t lose my humanity!”

“Even I can see it slipping away from you. You just killed someone and drank someone’s blood with little complaint. It doesn’t matter how you try to justify it with ‘he was too dangerous to live’ or ‘he would die anyway’.”

Billie ran. He ran as fast as his legs would carry him. He wouldn’t become a monster; he had to avoid it somehow.

Mike sighed, “When will you learn?” He was suddenly in front of Billie and pushed to the ground by Billie’s rush. He grabbed the smaller man’s upper arms so he couldn’t get off him. “Listen to me, you have to forget your human life!”

“No! That was all I had!”

“Let it go! You don’t have it anymore! You have to accept it and move past it!”

“No!” Billie struggled to get away from the older vampire, but couldn’t get out of his iron-grip.

“What did you have in your human life? What was there to cling onto?”

“My life! My memories!”

“You can have your memories but you life is something you will never get back, Billie Joe. Your memories will decay over time, just like they would if you were human.”

Billie couldn’t hold back the tears anymore. He cried like a child, clinging to Mike like a lifeline. “I-I’m already losing it...”

Mike let him cry. “It’s just part of the process. It gets easier with time.”

“W-When all my humanity is gone?”

“Yes. It’s like running through tar- it’s fucking difficult at first but once it’s over it’s easy. But I am not going to let you go until I think you’re ready to be on your own. If I let you go now, you’ll end up losing your mind. You can’t make it on your own yet, someone has to take responsibility for you.”

“You wouldn’t have to take responsibility for me if you had just let me die!”

“I couldn’t do that, it wasn’t an option! You’ll thank me for all this one day... now can I let you go without you running off again?”

Billie Joe thought about this for a moment, and then answered honestly. “Probably not.”

Mike smiled at his sarcastic honesty and stood up, keeping a firm hold on one of Billie’s arms. “You’re like a child, or a puppy, who won’t behave.”

“Thought you said I was a kitten.” Billie shot back, a little insulted by Mike’s comments.

“Yes, that too. Now do you want to grab some clothes from your apartment?”

Billie nodded and started walking, pulling Mike along by the hand gripping his arm. “It’s this way.”


Chapter 5 sorted!

Sorry for the later update, I was feeling lazy after the double-update the other day.

So sue me.

Anyways, only two more chapters until the series is over.


Please review while I nurse my head-wound...

pairing: billie/mike rating: m

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