What a train wreck of a month

Feb 23, 2010 22:32

What a train wreck of a month.

Here's hoping that the pain and horror ends with the close of the month. I've always found February to be a dastardly month, (@#$% winter) but this year it's been more of each week being it's own mini-disaster.

Essentially at work I switched jobs. I am now computer tech in training. Which sounds really cool. (No extra pay erm) And I enjoy learning. I really do. It gives me mini buzzes like from eating chocolate, but there's a huge problem. The problem is that there are only 3 computer support people for the library. One person, who also happened to be my old boss, just up and left the beginning of Feb, and gave us very little notice. (jerkwad) So now it's just me, with very little knowledge, and one person. It's insane. Not fun. And every week something happens. Last week I was sick. Before that snowstorms. And this week we'll probably lose to snow and there's a lovely virus running rampant on our PCs.

Trial by fire much?

I don't know if this will become Jen's shiny new career. I want to test it out, see if there's anything I want to specialize in blah blah.

I'm also taking 2 classes, which although makes my life more crazy feels glorious. The Web Design class is on and off. The professor is one of those obnoxious people who doesn't really listen or explain, then at the last second says 'well I wanted it this way' I mostly teach myself from the book. Luckily though, his standards aren't very high either. But still typical college bullshit, that we allow someone to teach that clearly can't.

I am thoroughly sickened with the college system. All I'm seeing is churn and burn. It's just ridiculous.

I'm also in Fenkl's Myth and Folklore class, which is just terribly fun. He still goes off on tangents, but the homework assignments are so much fun. In the past few weeks we've gone from creation myths, fairy tales, propaganda cartoons, folktales, and aesop's fables. It's just mind numbing fun.

Mark got sick today with a pretty horrible stomach virus, it's so bad he had to check himself into a hospital. After feeding him pills and water, he's just sleeping it off. I am hoping he's sleeping through the worst of it. (Just adds to my theory that Feb is a cursed month.)

For Christmas this year my elder brother got me a Wii. Why? I have no idea. I guard it like a treasured possession since it's likely I will never own another console for a very long time. I like the Wii alot, I have Mario and some random sports games. But most of the time the Wii is just a plastic paperweight.

That's all for now, I've got to sleep >_> because I'm the only one capable in this house of shoveling snow now. ;_;
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