Rurouni Kenshin Movie for Real (?) this time...

Jul 01, 2011 15:36

Oh man, let it be for real this time. I got so pumped when the rumor popped up a few months ago that Rurouni Kenshin will be made into a movie starring Takeru Sato but then months passed with nothing.

Now I read a confirmation in Seems shooting will start July and set for a 2012 release date. Please, please let it be true...and I hope my all-time favorite manga doesn't get slaughtered. Well, since Takeru's playing the lead, I'll be keeping my hopes up.

Variety article here

Update: 2011.07.06
I didn't want to get my hopes up 100% but's OFFICIAL!!!
Takeru Sato's official website has Rurouni Kenshin listed under his profile and is scheduled for a 2012 release. YIPEEEE!!!! 

movie, rurouni kenshin, manga, takeru sato

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