Good News!: There was a guy who looked like a slightly smaller-lipped Tom Hardy on the T on my way home from class.
Bad News!: He was a total jackass super-blonde prepster who littered and was using the bars you hold on to during rush hour as monkey bars. Why did you have to be a tool, Not-Tom-Hardy? You had all that potential, and you wasted it.
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I finally watched Merlin 03x03 last night and ahahaha all I could think of was you. Friggin Bradley James.
How is it you're never on AIM so we can discuss Merlin? THIS IS SO UPSETTING, EMURII, you're like my only RL friend who cares about Merlin. Friggin Bradley James indeed.
I am, however, highly accessible via gmail chat, LJ comments, FB, and texting (I have a fancy-schmancy smartphone now). I still have your phone number so I'll have to just text you or whatevs next time Merlin rolls around...
Also, we are trying to figure out because Watch-Series is super unreliable -- is Merlin a Saturday or Sunday show? Or Friday?
And it's a Saturday show at 7-ish their time, 1 our time. There are places on LJ you can usually get a download link by 2 or 3 on Saturday, which I will now use as incentive to dangle over your head.
Oh, cool -- see, we have a paid Megavideo subscription, so I'm currently relying on SideReel for my megavideo-based Merlin fix... but downloading could work, too.
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