You don't have to buy a frame!

Sep 30, 2010 02:05

Good News!: There was a guy who looked like a slightly smaller-lipped Tom Hardy on the T on my way home from class.
Bad News!: He was a total jackass super-blonde prepster who littered and was using the bars you hold on to during rush hour as monkey bars. Why did you have to be a tool, Not-Tom-Hardy? You had all that potential, and you wasted it. Or maybe you were just wasted.


Anyway! People asked for pictures, so! Pictures! I may or may not have spent the entire time I was resizing and posting these with this as my soundtrack.

image Click to view

What do you mean, it's not cool to have this in your top five movies of all time? It's kind of the greatest ever.

wordsindreams was all "this is just an excuse to post pictures of your gerbil, isn't it?" YES. YES IT IS.




(Note: before class while I was resizing all my pictures, the gerbil jumped up in my lap with a mouthful of of shavings, and then dropped it in my lap as if to say OH HELLO HI THERE, I HAVE A PRESENT FOR YOU. YOU LIKE IT? OKAY BYE!!! and then ran all over the couch.

Someone knows when she's being talked about.)

My little corner in the living room, which is where I live, pretty much. See, there's the gerbil cage, and there's my laptop, and there's my food. What else do you need? I eat here, I sleep (well, nap) here, if I'm typing to you, it's usually from here.

That pretty much filled two requests (where I eat breakfast and my favorite place around town. My town is pretty boring unless you go into the Cambridge/Boston area), I decided to show my other favorite part of my house - the front porch. It's right against the living room so I just run an extension cord out there and chill on nice days. And if not there...

The extremely coveted green chair. My sister and dad come to blows over this chair.

Next, rayslady wanted to know what five things I'd grab if my house was on fire (excluding living things such as family members, no matter how fuzzy). So!

Obvs my laptop. Please. Like this was a question.

Two and three are my pillows. They smell so perfect and are so squashy and oh, my pillows.

Bunny. I've had her since I was ten days old. I honestly can't sleep without her. My arms are like AUGH WTF TO DO I DO WITH THESE THINGS. When I get a boyfriend/husband/fellow, I've got no idea what I'm going to do. Ever since I saw Toy Story when I was six I've been convinced she has feelings (I know this is dumb, but this idea formed when I was six and by time I was old enough to know better it was too firmly rooted in there), and she's my only toy that has feelings because she was the only toy I really played with consistently, thus giving her a SOUL. How am I going to explain to her that I don't need her anymore? LET'S NOT THINK TOO HARD ABOUT THIS. IT MOSTLY MAKES ME SEEM LAME.

Five, my favorite book. Which also answers clevermonikerr's request.

No one requested to see my wallet, but clearly that's because no one knew how AWESOME my wallet/change purse/whatever is. If you knew, you would have asked. LOOK AT IT.

And now, the part you all asked the most about, my clothes! I took these pictures in my parent's room, in the mirror, which we never remember to clean because it's usually behind an opened door so no one ever remembers it's there. But it's the only full-length mirror we have, and thus the only way I could take a full-body shot of my clothing.

Also, I should note most of these pictures are blurry, because the angle required to hold you camera does not lend to a lot of wristular support. I'm sure there's a more sophisticated word than "wristular", but I'm just going with it.

For lamardeuse, the original whiner amongst whiners, who REALLY WANTED to see me in this shirt. Look, I even flipped it for you so the writing wasn't backwards! ARE YOU HAPPY NOW.

sequinedfairy wanted my favorite hoody, which this is by a margin of a bazillion. (Thank you, H&M!) Look at all the cute buttons! It's hard to see, but there are also cute little side pockets with buttons. And thumb holes on the cuffs, which I rolled up to use the camera easier. BUT I LOVE THIS SWEATSHIRT.

Favorite outfit(s) for kurosawa! I actually had a terrible time choosing this, because I have too many favorite pieces of clothing. I think we can all agree, though, that I like my jeans. And the color blue.

I also couldn't resist showing off my ~fancy new dress~! I got it earlier this summer when I had put on about five pounds (laugh all you want, when you're my size, that's a lot) and it was kind of too small, but look, ma! I can fit into it now! Just in time for it to lack seasonal appropriateness! Which is just as well, since I don't have a strapless bra, and while I'm fine freeballin' it to stand still and take pictures, it is not comfortable or secure to actually attempt that while moving.

I was also asked to take a picture of my favorite shoes, but then I realized something - I only really have six pairs of shoes. (SOMEONE GET cherrybina HER SMELLING SALTS, OKAY.) I mean, I techincally own more, but I never wear them, and never would wear them, and would be fine getting rid of them if not for my mother, who makes me keep them "just in case". Even though I'd rather go barefoot than actually wear them because they are old/broken/don't fit/ugly/etc. So. Here are my six pairs of shoes:

I got these flats from Target five years ago for $10, and they have served me faithfully and are now, sadly, just starting to fall apart. I looked on Target's website and am planning on finding replacement ones on Friday, but SOB. I love these flats and have resisted replacing them for YEARS because nothing can live up to their magic. FLATS, YOUR SERVICE WILL NE'ER BE FORGOTTEN.

Sneakers, even older than the flats. I love love love Converse and have always wanted them ever since I was old enough to choose my own shoes, but tragically I was born with wide feet and Converse are made extremely narrow. These are actually a brand called No Sweat which is made with union labor blah blah, it's great that I got a warm fuzzy feeling buying them, mostly I was excited because they ran wide. And now No Sweat only does bulk t-shirt orders. As in, discontinued my Fonverse. Which is unspeakably tragic, because I hate all other sneakers and don't know of any other off-brand Fonverse to get. And I really need them, because these, in case you can't tell, are ALSO falling apart.

(I hate shopping.)

Nice boots! My major purchase last winter. They cost OVER A HUNDRED DOLLARS, which is like a big fucking deal for me, okay.

Flip-flops! Until very recently my almost identical to these black flip-flops were my oldest shoes, clocking in at purchase my freshman year of high school, but after being chewed on by neighborhood dogs, they finally bit it (HAH HAH UNINTENTIONAL PUNNERY) this summer. RIP, flip-flops. You served me well.

Treetorns! Kind of expensive, but I haven't regretted this purchase for one second. They're the perfect, adorable all-weather shoe. I use them for snow boots, for putting on to help my mom carry in groceries in the winter when I have to run outside fast, and for walking the dog when she wants to go to the field next door and it's essentially a squelchy mess.

Heels! All purpose, thanks to the kitten heel, always adorable, used to make my jeans seem appropriate for all occasions.

I'm a terrible girl, I know. I'm sorry, shoe-lovers of my friendslist. I'm very, very sorry. Only I'm not, because I hate shoe shopping. If you all just wanted to give me shoes for FREE, I certainly wouldn't object.

Edit: I make no bones about the fact that, as utterly stupid as I think it is, I read mean_merlin. I've found I like to be abreast (that word will never not make me giggle because I'm twelve) of what direction the crazy is taken, especially since they decided I was Kind Of A Big Deal. (This still cracks me up. Only on the internet would I ever be "a big deal". I have many leatherbound books and my apartment smells of rich mahogany!) Anyway, every night, a few hours before I go to bed (enough time for crazy to happen, not too close to bedtime that if something makes me irritated I'll be up half the night huffing over it) I read what the cool haps are in Crazyville, and then I sigh over the educational system, and then I feel the need to send everyone Emily Post books. Me. Feeling that need. Me. The girl who says "nice one" after someone farts and then rates it out of ten like it's an Olympic event. Oh, internet. I love you, but you crazy.

Anyhoo, I went today and what should I find but a nice super-long discussion on the mean meme about my sex life. Now, granted, 50% of it was a) about STDs and b) so laughable I had to stuff my knuckles in my mouth not to wake people while I read it. But still, you dislike me! You really dislike me! (And thank you, anon, I agree, Colin and I would make an adorable couple. We could have socially awkward, reclusive babies with giant blue eyes who prefer books to people. It'd be great. If only I could shake that nagging feeling he was gay. Also, the Atlantic Ocean would have to dry up, but these are only minor details in the course of true love, of course.)

Now, I've learned my lesson and I never respond directly to stuff on the mean meme unless it in some way, I feel, will effect my job or is toeing the line of harassment, so I know better than to answer questions there and in great detail, in spite of my nagging urge to do so. Instead, I will say this, and this is my final word on the state of my vagina. Because, apparently, this is worth like (at least) forty odd comments and wasting a night discussing, and while I have no delusions that me actually stating the facts of the matter will do anything, let's pretend it will. It'll at least make me feel better about the whole thing.

Hello, members of the mean meme. What's up? My name is Julia, I'm almost 22, and I'm a virgin. I don't particularly care about other people's states of virginity, and I fully encourage people to have sex as much and as often as they want, so long as I am not forced to watch it. Yes, I have had people who have expressed interest in going out with/having sex with me, but generally they were either complete jackholes, not familiar with the concept of personal hygiene, guys who liked to harass me into incoherent anger as a form of flirtation (which, shockingly, I don't find turns me on), or glue sniffers. My most ardent paramour in high school was a combination of all of the above. He was special. Considering this, I feel my personal decision to preserve the state of my hymen to be a generally wise one. Thank you for your time and interest in my lady bits. Have a nice day.

P.S. As for the sub-thread on if I masturbate or not - ew. Guys, I'm aware you specialize in no boundaries, and I specialize in no boundaries, but I'm calling boundaries on this one. Whether I do or do not do the do on my doo-dad is nobody's business. In fact, it's skeevy.

I repeat, ew.

deep thoughts on clothing, sex is stupid and awkward, hey look it's my stupid face, tess the empress of the universe, i am still five years old, random memes, you are waiting for a train, about me, dubs tee eff, colin morgan is made of kittens, i am a dork and here is why, books are made of awesome, materialism yay!

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