Jun 29, 2007 11:34
Totoally (and I totoally misspelled that word >.> XD) stole this idea from JB she did it awesome idea so i'm doing it too XD aren't i original XP *dies*
Broken (seven chapter fic got lost somewhere in the insanity of my computer breaking the week of Iruka's b-day)
Birthday thingy (same story as Broken)
Toys (dunno... might not go back to this...)
Lost (only way I could see this working is character death which i DON'T do... so... >.> It wouldn't me Kakashi or Iruka but i'd rather not have sasuke fans after my nonexcistant balls...)
Dinner or Disease with momo
No nookie tonight with momo (can't wait for this one ^.^)
All my little theme prompty thingys for people... i haven't forgotten... i'm just lazy and/or... no... just lazy XP
Danigit i need to get my head out of my ass and download this series so I can know the characters well enough to write soemthing... ZoSan is my pairing of choice if there's anyone watching my journal yet that's a one piece fan XD pretty sure it's all Naruto
Sea Bird (I promise I'll get back to this soon XP)
Sea Bird sequels and/or prequels
New God (short story I'll get to it >.>)
House of Cards (want to get Sea Bird done first... or at least more of it... and dangit i need that house bouncy cat XP) also need to figure out a plot past gobs of porn >.>
sci fi thingy with the plane and the virus and the mary-sue-ish main character >.> I need to figure out her characterization... and how i want to end that so i can get it ready for nano... yes i'm entering Nano this year... i will likely die but... *sigh*
meta: fanfiction