[Entry #27] Spring, where are you?

Mar 17, 2014 17:31

I swear, if the snow is not all gone by April I will drop out of school, fly home, and never return to this insane part of the world where winter is never-ending and Spring apparently does not exist. But in all seriousness, I don't remember it being this bad last year? Although I bet next year I'll say the same thing "I don't remember winter being that long".

Let's get down to the real business though - it's been 2.5 months since the year has started and many things have happened. Kind of. There is a high chance I will be going to Japan this summer for 2 months to work in a summer resort in Okinawa - not set in stone but very, very high chance (like 85-90%) so I'm super excited for that. I've also been applying to all kinds of other random summer jobs since I'll be staying here in Montreal all summer (most likely). Reason being my current internship requires me to stay here until the end of June so... I can't really go anywhere else even if i wanted to. Which truthfully, really bums me out. I mean - I don't necessarily need to go home for the summer but if it weren't the stupid internship I could've gone to Japan for 4 months (which would raise my chances of going to about 100%) or I could've gotten a job in Toronto or just... somewhere else. Being stuck here in Montreal until July pretty much destroys a lot of job opportunities and it's really frustrating me. Of course the internship isn't actually stupid but when you couple it with school it becomes a bit tedious.

School is the same ol' thing as usual. Except that I'm learned that History courses kind of suck? I don't know what it is about writing essays for history courses but they seem to require a very different sort of writing than I'm used to for psychology reports/essays, or even the reports I wrote for my East Asian Studies courses. There's a lot less room for interpretation I find - I guess since history is so factual - but even compared to psychology reports. Although maybe it's because researching for psychology is a lot easier than for history papers. Who knows. Either way - definitely not taking any more history courses anymore (or if I do it'll just be one. And an easy one.... which really just means that I won't be taking any history courses).

Moving on to hobbies and life and what not. Lots happening on the gaming/anime/manga front. Earlier in January I watched a playthrough of Final Fantasy X (one of my most favourite storylines in a game) and then found out that apparently Yuna looks for Tidus in FFX-2. I didn't do much research on the game, I kind of just downloaded and started playing and then I realized the guy who is supposed to be Tidus is just some guy named Shuyin and honestly the story of X-2 is really dumb and stupid in comparison but I kind of enjoyed how light-hearted it was? It was amusing seeing Yuna become so... different, especially in contrast to FFX which continues to rip a huge gaping hole through my chest whenever I hear the song "To Zanarkand". Moving on from there I started playing Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance and I'm still going through it at a glacial pace. I've played Radiant Dawn (which by the way - was freakin' long and so tedious but I loved it even thought it was hard) and I did play Path of Radiance when it first came out on gamecube but at that age I was too dumb to really figure out how to play it well. So, going through it again, and still pretty bad at it probably but I'm muddling through (Only one person has died so far, Illyana - which was so much better than my first playthrough of Radiant Dawn in which I had to restart THREE TIMES). Honestly, Fire Emblem: Awakening was so easy with the support/dual battle and the MU being a freakin OP'd that it made me forget how hard Fire Emblem could actually be. But like I said, I'm surviving.

When I'm done Fire Emblem I'm going to move on to Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep. Which I have played but not all the way through. I never played Terra's story and I only got a bit through Ventus'. Despite this, BBS has been my most favourite Kingdom Hearts just because of the story and character. I love the dynamic between Ventus, Terra, and Aqua and Aqua also happens to be my most favourite KH character in the whole series (and then comes Roxas). So what brought this one? Well, the fact that KH: 2.5 HD ReMIX is coming out this year with BBS on it (OMFG HOW I WISH I HAD A PS3) made me kind of excited - despite not being able to play it - and also Kingdom Hearts III. Honestly if Aqua and Ven don't come back in KH3 I will blow something up, smash my TV, I don't even know - I'll just be so angry honestly. In fact I could talk ages about BBS and all the analysis I've done of the Wayfinder Trio and how sad/amazing/beautiful the entire story of BBS is (and just how intricate the KH world is in general) but I'll refrain and just keep it to... I WISH I COULD PLAY BIRTH BY SLEEP IN HD ON A PS3 SO BADLY.

On the anime side I only started watching and reading a bunch of stuff a couple weeks ago because it was reading week but so far I've gone through Ouran High School Host Club (I know, I'm surprised I'd never watched it either but I thought it was some dumb reverse-harem super romantic shoujo, eck) and Soul Eater as well as the first two seasons if Digimon and halfway through Digimon Tamers. Ouran I loved to bits because it's  just so stupid and ridiculous and out there and I'm glad I finally got around to it. Soul Eater I feel I need to read the manga to really give a solid conclusion because the anime gave it so much potential but I felt the ending was very lackluster (and what a shounen cliche "she's not afraid to fight fear omfg!"). Apparently the manga-ka doesn't really develop the characters in general though (I was hoping to find out more about Maka's mom but alas...) but still going to check it out. Next on the list I will be watching Noragami and Pupa. Both are short, the latter also kind of messed up and twisted. I want to read the manga for both as well but they seem relatively newer and not as popular so translations are slow (although the mangas are both completed). Once I'm done those, going back to more mainstream anime such as Psychopass (been telling myself I would watch this for years now) and Eureka Seven (which I know, how could I have not watched this either *le gasp*).

So all in all, I seem to have more anime and games lined up than actual schoolwork (which is true) but I'll muddle through.

For now though I need to continue reading through The Selected Works of Mao Tse-Tung Vol.5 so that I can write  10-15page essay on whether the guy was truly irrational or whether there was a logic to his madness. I've already got most of my argument mapped out in that he had a solid idea but was so wrapped up in the "idea" that he kind of really missed the reality of what was going on (which is ironic because there is a point where he blasts the USSR for being too subjective and not realistic enough - which I will mention). To be honest I have no opinion of Mao - to me history is history and although we can learn from it I don't really see a point in judging stuff and people that's already come and gone. Go with the flow and deal in the present is how I've always been. But yeah.

So this essay. It's due next Friday. I'm already kind of worried about it because I'm not sure I can write a solid 10-15 page argument. I am really bad at long essays. Which is why I wrote this post, to procrastinate (yay).

Only one month left of school though - shall report back in April to bore you all about all the other anime I'm watching, manga I'm reading, games, and what my plans for the summer will be (aside from my internship and Toronto/New York).

Oh - and I am watching ChocoJun but I find the drama so stupid I really having nothing to say about it. Are we supposed to hate Saeko? Sota is dumb. Chocolate looks yummy. End of story.


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