Title: How to Tie a Tie
Author: Jen
Pairing: Chiitaro (Chinen x Ryutaro)
Genre: Fluff/Romance
Rating: PG
Words: 1013
Summary: What happens backstage at Tokyo Dome and why Ryutaro's jacket was opened like
this <3
Notes: A remix of Ani's (hammiexsquirrel)'s
Backstage of Tokyo Dome. Chinen's POV.
I haven't posted a fic for a while~ And this will be the last for a while~
Comments are really appreciated! :3
As Chinen finished fixing his own navy blue tie, his ears perked up as he heard a small hiss. He could make out the words, "Crap, crap, crap!" He recognized the voice, belonging to the youngest member of the group: Ryutaro. "Yabu would totally whack you and call your mom if he heard that," he muttered under his breath as he continued to stare at the smaller boy glaring at the silk tie as if the necktie would magically pretty itself up.
Chinen remembered Yabu offering the younger boy earlier but the latter denied it, insisting he could do it himself. This reminded him of his little self when he was around the same age as Ryutaro, rebellious and stubborn. Though he was still stubborn even to this day with a spice of being manipulative.
He even noticed how moments ago, Ryutaro was not so obviously glowering at Keito with envy. Chinen shook his head. Poor Keito. The new member had it hard with so many haters... He glanced at the time and saw that their performance was coming up soon and Ryutaro still didn't have his tie done.
"Ryutaro, hurry up! You're going on stage in five minutes!" Yabu yelled at him, though his voice could barely be heard with all the screams from the fans.
"Hai~" Ryutaro said with an irritated look on his face as he turned to his reflection.
Chinen sighed and walked over to the younger boy. He didn't want Ryutaro to get in trouble.
Ryutaro made some weird faces and then threw up his arms in frustration. "Argh!"
As much as he would've liked continuing to see a struggling Ryutaro, Chinen knew that their fans were waiting for them. He came near Ryutaro and wondered how oblivious the youngest 7 member was to his surroundings when the boy was still flailing. "Ryutaro?" Chinen called out, hoping that he would catch Ryutaro's attention.
Ryutaro whipped around with red cheeks. Chinen had to suppress a smile at this. He's cute when he's flustered. "Still not ready yet?" He blinked innocently with an impatient tone, remembering that Ryutaro had to get on stage really soon.
"Shouldn't you be onstage?" Ryutaro muttered with annoyance.
"You need to be there, too," Chinen told him, rolling his eyes. Now Ryutaro's smart-aleck reply was slightly getting on his nerves. "Do you need help?" he asked, already knowing that Ryutaro would probably reject him.
And he was right. Ryutaro was silent. It seemed like he was torn between wanting the assistance but at the same time, not wanting it.
"I can help, you know," Chinen added, trying to persuade the younger one to just let him help. Seeing as Ryutaro was like a deer in headlights, he decided to just do it for him. Chinen shifted to the front of Ryutaro, his fingers wrapped around the hanging tie. "For a fee, of course," he couldn't help saying and smirking at the same time. Chinen wrapped the tie around Ryutaro's neck again and noted how Ryutaro tensed at the closeness.
Chinen pulled away, seeing how Ryutaro became dazed. "J-just teach m-me how to tie it," Ryutaro stuttered, which Chinen thought it was adorable. He could totally tell that Ryutaro was obviously self-conscious of him and most likely... liked him, too. It's not like he acted this way around the other members.
Chinen was able to see the signals. They were all there. Whenever Chinen asked him a question, the small boy would always clam up and stammer like crazy. Like that one time where Chinen inquired what his favorite color was. Just a simple question. And Ryutaro answered, "O-oh... c-color? I think... eating... lime... i-is okay..." When Chinen gave him a weirded out look, Ryutaro quickly said, "I g-green mean!! My is... green favorite color! Green!" Chinen couldn't help but giggle, especially at Ryutaro's embarrassed face.
"I-I'll need to learn e-eventually anyway." Ryutaro began to tug back the fabric gently, but Chinen playfully and stubbornly held his grip.
"We have less than three minutes. I doubt you're that fast of a learner," Chinen automatically retorted, though the two minutes that had passed seemed longer.
"You don't need to sound so degrading," Ryutaro snapped before his eyes grew wide and were directed down like he didn't mean to sound so angry at him.
Since talking got nothing done, Chinen went behind Ryutaro and crossed the broad end of the tie in front of the narrow end. "It's too confusing from the front. I can't figure out what goes where," he said, when in reality, it wasn't. It was way easier doing it by the front. Chinen did this on purpose because this position seemed more of an intimate level... And the fact that he wanted to make Ryutaro more nervous than he already was. Eventually, he managed to fold, overlap, and make a small knot, pulling the tie snug up to the collar of his over-sized green jacket. "I'm done."
But Chinen wasn't planning to move away anytime soon. Not when he had the chance to hug him from behind and tease him by murmuring against Ryutaro's neck, "Don't learn how to tie a tie." He raised his head a bit and whispered close to Ryutaro's ear, "I want to do this again."
As Chinen pulled away, he didn't expect Ryutaro to actually jerk him back by the collar, let alone kiss him. It was so sudden and surprising, Chinen couldn't help but feel his face grow warmer by the moment. Wait... this isn't supposed to happen. How did he... what? Confused as to what just happened, he was about to tell him that this was against the rules or something lame like that when Chinen heard Yabu calling for them.
Ryutaro quickly averted his eyes and turned, heading out to the stage while Chinen lingered there at the same place, his fingers on his own lips. You're not getting away with taking my first kiss. It's supposed to be the other way around. "Just you wait until later..." he smirked as he headed for the stage.
A/N: Will be off to Taiwan/Japan for the next three weeks(leaving on the 2nd). <3 Sorry for no TakaYama~ >w< I will try to write some over the trip~ Will miss you guys! Byyes~!