(no subject)

Feb 26, 2012 18:02

Title: Gale
Rating: PG
Pairing: Taeyeon/Tiffany

The wind bellows a savage tune, but she walks as if unfazed. She sits by the lone rock that rests on top of the cliff, the crashing waves almost drowned by the unceasing tempest. Taeyeon looks at the raging ocean, and for a second admires the sheer force it appears to exert, as if crazed. Then she remembers her odyssey, the delusions, the agony, the sleepless nights, heart in unending protest. She lowers her head into her knees, not for cover, but for fear. Fear that this is all real, that the heavens have decided to torture her with a cruel joke.

But a joke it is not, the truth as solid and honest as her love sincere.
And she knows this, she knows the heartbreak and the uselessness, knows the oath.

The ridiculous oath that binds two lives into one, the oath that is about to be performed. The thought of it fills her with anger, the storm her only ally. She remembers the sudden introduction, the embrace and shy kiss that was not shared, an imminent marriage informed. Her scream does not surface, her throat too hoarse, and her tears too scarce to cry.

Taeyeon opens her eyes, the bright sunlight engulfing the classroom. She sits closest to the window; she had always loved the slight summer breeze. As she eyes her surroundings, the soft wind kisses the hair of a girl sitting some chairs away from her. Taeyeon is captivated, her stare too narrow, her mind too focused on how the hair dances with the gentle gust. A feeling she remembers clearly.

Then she sees her come out of the classroom, her heart stomping louder with each step she takes closer to Taeyeon. Her husky voice rings bells of bliss and her smile strikes harder than a blitz. Taeyeon runs on autopilot; making the other girl happy the only thing she is programmed to do. They drive to a movie, they eat, they laugh, and Taeyeon cannot help but dread the end of the night. She does not want to say good-bye. But she has to.

And then everything is dark, and everything is part of a twisted tale. A tale in which her only purpose is to fall. She feels the same wind, the same breeze that once joyously danced, and it takes in her anger and sadness in a fit of fury. It pushes her down relentlessly, and she falls even faster.

Falls, falls until the impact wakes her up.

The pain pales in comparison to her anguish, and she slowly opens her eyes. They are blinded for a moment, but as she sinks deeper her eyes become used to the creeping dye of dark blue that slowly engulfs her vision. Right in front of her, she sees the same bright light that once filled an innocent heart. She stares at it dazed, and then she smiles as she remembers the light. Light only a shining smile could produce.

As the ocean drowns the light, Taeyeon feels free. The wind cannot reach her this deep, cannot remind her of the unrequited love. Finally, before the last bit of radiance is gone, she opens her mouth as if to say something, but only bubbles manage to escape.

Bubbles that rise as she falls, bubbles that crash against the surface and spread the last intended words into the air. Words that are carried by the wind, by a wind that brushes against the hair of a beautiful bride, her smile radiant and her voice filled with love as she says, “So do I”, and takes the ring into her finger.

pairing: taeyeon/tiffany

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