breaking glass

Aug 07, 2010 22:29

Title: Breaking Glass
Rating: PG
Genre: Fluff
Pairing: Taeyeon+Tiffany

Taetae how’s my hair?”
“It’s flawless.”
“What about my face? Is it clean?”
“It’s stunning.”
Tiffany giggled at Taeyeon’s praise and tugged her out of the house.
“Let’s get going. The mall closes at nine.”

It’s been months since the two girls started living together. They bought an apartment together, running away from complaining parents and pointless accusations. They loved each other, and that was what mattered to them at the time. But now, Taeyeon had noticed something different about her beloved mushroom. Tiffany was not the usual happy and clumsy girl. Age seemed to have changed something within her, and Taeyeon did not understand this. Tiffany wanted this, wanted that, lusted after glistening jewels whenever they went out, complained about her hair and whatnots. All Taeyeon wanted, needed, and had, was Tiffany. She wondered, why does Tiffany not feel the same way towards her?
Did Tiffany not love her as she used to anymore?
Taeyeon sometimes even felt that she was just another porcelain figure in Tiffany’s possession, ready to fall and brake any second.

“You know Taetae”, said Tiffany as she sucked on her straw, eyes glued on the magazine she held in her hands, “we could see the movie later. I kind of want to go to that store we saw earlier.”
“I don’t mind.”
“Gosh, Kim Taeyeon.”
“I mean, I have fun as long as you do. Really, no kidding.”
Tiffany eyed her wife with sharp eyes.
Taeyeon now hoped that Tiffany would ask her if she was fine. If she was ok.
“I’m glad then. The discount only lasts a few more days.”
Taeyeon could hear the faint sound of a glass figurine breaking as it fell from one of the shelves in a distant store.
She hoped that Tiffany and everyone in the vicinity had heard it too.
“Let’s go,” commanded Tiffany.

Tiffany had forgotten her love for Taeyeon; that, the latter knew. She pondered as she looked at the night sky from her window, the stars cloaked by the dusky clouds. Tiffany was showering.
She was singing. Oh, how Taeyeon loved her voice.
And then she realized.

“Taeyeon, how’s my hair?”
“Tiffany, when was the last time we did this?”
“Do what?”, asked Tiffany, both startled and annoyed.

Tiffany felt as though a part of her had been revived, as if something inside her had been found, after years and years of deep darkness. She had missed the feeling of Taeyeon’s lips. She had neglected Taeyeon’s need. She had forgotten Taeyeon’s love. But now she remembered. And she would never forget again.

author: chibijuan, pairing: taeyeon/tiffany

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