HP Drabble Challenge Day 50. Bane: Nothing to do with Anything

Oct 22, 2009 02:33

Day 50. Bane: Nothing to do with Anything

Kamerreon's Drabble Challenge -- A drabble a day until my imagination dies... hopefully that won't be soon.

Warnings: none

Pairing: Severus Snape

Word Count: 100

Harry Potter and Neville Longbottom are the banes of my existence. There is no one thing that makes them such, though Potter’s lack of respect and Longbottom’s abysmal potions skill definitely play a part. I haven’t been so harassed since I began working as a Professor.
Albus, McGonagall, and the other Order members are always telling me to cut them some slack. I don’t see why. People say that they’ve had a hard enough life without my interference. I don’t see what that has to do with anything. Having a hard life shouldn’t exempt them from learn to be adults.

fandom: harry potter, drabble challenge

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