Apr 05, 2010 22:38
My circadian rhythm is all messed up. It keeps getting light out earlier and earlier, and I keep not changing the time at which I go to bed (which at no point in the year has anything to do with the time at which it gets dark out).
I am working through the climax of my poetry fic, after which there is another whole day to take care of and I am pretty sure at this point that it's not going to be sestina, sorry, the mojo is rapidly dwindling and anyway I don't think the plot will support it. Question now being, what do I use? I think once I get them tucked in for the night I'll have a peek through my mother's old lit. anthology and see what I can find.
I just passed 6666 words, by the way. Yeah. The only thing I've ever written and finished that's clocked in longer than that is my NaNo novel, which is a grotesque and misshapen thing and moreover was handwritten on looseleaf. My novelette (half of which has been published online, remember the one?) is over 8k, but incomplete. And neither of my other two SPN WIPs that I anticipate to break 7k has done so yet.
Yeah, this one's not done yet. But it will be in a matter of a day or so, now. And it will be a TRIUMPH.
For one who wrote only short-shorts but a few years ago, this is pretty decent progress, yeah? The things I do for this fandom. :P
In other news, my family started watching Leverage yesterday and they are as hooked as I. Vindicated! Incidentally, I didn't notice on the first run a) how blatantly they set Nate up as an alcoholic, or b) how much time has clearly passed between the filming of the pilot and that of the second episode, as indicated by the length of Eliot's hair.