you guys tomorrow is Easter and I am all kinds of excited.

Apr 03, 2010 23:40

if you like my poems let them
walk in the evening,a little behind you

then people will say
"Along this road i saw a princess pass
on her way to meet her lover(it was
toward nightfall)with tall and ignorant servants."

-e. e. cummings

This poetry fic is giving me a run for my money and boy howdy do I love it. Almost 5k and three days to go. I may approach 7k in the end. Which is funny, because that was my initial instinctive estimate, which my supposedly rational mind then squashed down to 5k. Apparently my instincts are decent. I think I knew that already. :P

I'm a little sad about this whole project, though, because I am all-on-fire excited about it, and I think it's brilliant and entertaining and an interesting story besides all that, but it's my own child and I'm not to be trusted in my estimation of its merits. For all I love it, it may be that no one actually wants to read what's essentially a jumped-up party trick.


I am almost to e. e. cummings day and so I have been doing research. I don't know enough of his poems to be solid on the stylistic particulars. I have therefore sought out a poetry archive and I intend to open numerous tabs of his poems and take them with me to work tomorrow so I can work on the fic with research material at hand.

I wrote two thousand words today within the space of twelve hours. Might be a new personal best.


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