Sumire FAQ - 100 Questions for Fans, 2010 version

Apr 12, 2010 16:05

1  お名前と生まれ年、観劇歴を教えてください。
 Please tell us your name, age, and your history of being a fan.

A - Elmer, 21, coming up to a year as a fan.

(for certain private reasons I am unable to use my real name...)

2  初めて観た公演は何ですか?生観劇ではなく映像でもかまいません。
 What was the first performance you saw? It doesn't have to have been a live show, it could be a video or DVD.

A - Elisabeth 2007, yukigumi. <3

3  ハマるきっかけになった公演は何ですか?
 What was the performance that first addicted you?

A - Again I answer with Elisabeth 2007. After that very first viewing it turned into a daily occurance for me.

4  宝塚ファン人生における「初恋の人」はどなたですか?
 Who is the "first love" that lead you to becoming a Takarazuka fan?

A - Ouki Kaname. I fell in love with her Rudolf. She had me crying and feeling for a character that I hadn't properly done in a long time. Add on to that the fact that she is simply beautiful and her performance skills blow me away every time.

5  観劇は大劇場メインですか?東宝劇場メインですか?
 Do you mainly go to see shows at the Grand Theater or the Tokyo Theater?

A - Currently I am yet to go to either, having to rely on my DVDs instead. But me and my friends are planning a trip to Japan next year, and our current plan is to lurk around Takarazuka itself so... Grand Theatre. Of course we do plan on visiting the other theatres aswell... XD XD

6  ご贔屓男役さんを教えてください。複数可。
 Please tell us the otokoyaku you prefer. More than one is okay.

A - Well this will be a long list so bear with me... First and foremost is my baby... Ayana Oto. At first I didn't really pay that much attention to her but once I did... BAM. My heart was hers. It's sort of insane how much I love her. Seriously... XD I also adore Ouki Kaname, Sou Kazuho and Saou Kurama. The talent these three possess is simply amazing. And of course all of my other babies too... (and here comes the list) Ayakaze Sakina, Mirai Yuuki, Karyou Shizuru, Ozuki Tooma, Oonagi Mao, Daigo Seshiru, Renjou Makoto, Azusa Haruki, Yuzuki Reon, Miya Rurika, Makaze Suzuho, Suzumi Shio, Kurenai Yuzuru, Asumi Rio, Seijou Kaito, Chinami Karan, Ranju Tomu, Yuumi Hiro and Harukaze Misato. Oh and my most recent baby... Manaki Reika, <3

And that's just my babies. There a lot of other otokoyaku's I support aswell but I won't start listing them too... XD

7  ご贔屓娘役さんを教えてください。複数可。
 Please tell us the musumeyaku you prefer. More than one is okay.

A - Now this answer will be a lot shorter. My babies... Manaka Ayu, Ootsuki Sayu and Yumesaki Nene. I love those three SO much. I also support all of the musumeyaku's in yukigumi, ^_^

8  好きな芝居作品は?3個くらいまでなら複数可。
 What musicals do you like? Up to three is okay.

A - Only 3? Okies... Elisabeth, The Legend of the Great King and the Four Gods version II, Brothers Karamazov.

9  好きなショー作品は?3個くらいまでなら複数可。
 What revue shows do you like? Up to three is okay.

A - King Solomon's Ring, the vocals in it are mind-blowing. Takarazuka Dream Kingdom and Miroirs.

10  今まで観た中でいちばん「チケット代返してよ!」と思った作品は?実名でどうぞ。
 Which performance made you think, "Give me my money back!" as you were watching it?

A - Well so far out of all of my DVDs... none of them. I love them all for seperate reasons. The one I probably watch the least is Hoshikage no Hito but that's mainly because I get confused easily by it for some reason, and parts of Joyful II always leave me going O_O, XD XD

11  ご贔屓以外で今いちばん気になる生徒さんは誰ですか?
 Outside of the ones you prefer, which seito is on your mind the most right now?

A - Probably Ayabuki Mao and Mizu Natsuki. With their retirements imminent my heart is breaking for my troupe already.

12  いわゆる路線外で、大好きな生徒さんはどなたですか?複数可。
 Of the ones NOT star-tracked, so to speak, which seito do you like? More than one is okay.

A - Ayana Oto... my baby. Gosh I love her so much it's slightly worrying... XD XD For the others... just look at my otokoyaku list and take out the star-tracked ones, XD

13  お好みの「おじさま系上級生」を教えてください。
 Please tell us which of the "avuncular type upperclassman" do you like?

A - Misa Noeru, she's lovely. Um... Ema Naoki... Asuka Yuu. Ban Akira would have been on this list too... I miss her.

14  お好みの「お姉さま系上級生」を教えてください。
 Please tell us which of the "older sister type upperclassman" do you like?

A - Miho Keiko, she is just so lovely. Itsumine Aki.

15  宝塚ファンとしての自分の長所と短所をあげてください。
 Please give us your strong point and weak point as a Takarazuka fan.

A - Strong point? I'm insanely supportive of the 'siennes, I do an insane amount of research and I spend lots of money, XD Weak point? My lack of Japanese. I have started taking lessons so it's something I'm working on. Also the fact that I am yet to see a show live yet.

16  宝塚ファン人生における最大の自慢は?
 What's your greatest boast as a Takarazuka fan?

A - Um... probably my collection of mooks, graphs, DVDs etc. In the one year I have been a fan, and the few months that the collection has actually started... I have quite a good collection now, XD For those who have me on facebook would have seen the combined collections of me, crack_tod and x_poorrudolf_x

17  宝塚ファン人生における最大の懺悔は?言える範囲でどうぞ。
 What's your greatest confession as a Takarazuka fan? Feel free to elaborate.

A - I am a very bad influence when it comes to buying things... though I know once I am over in Japan I will need pushing into doing anything... like joining my babies fanclub. I need someone to pretty much force me to do otherwise I will chicken out. sailortelevator I am looking at you here... though thank you for poking me into writing my letters, ^^

18  再演してほしい芝居はありますか?
 Is there a musical you wish they would put on again?

A - Copacabana. I love the music in it. Elisabeth is always welcome, XD As is berubara. Legend aswell...

19  再演してほしいショーはありますか?
 Is there a revue show you wish they would put on again?

A - I can't think of any in particular. Mainly cus I adore the casts that have done them already. XD

20  あなたがファンになる生徒さんの傾向を分析してみてください。
 Please try and analyze the kind of seito you're inclined to become a fan of.

A - To start off with it's seito's who play roles and characters that I am drawn to. Like Ouki Kaname playing Rudolf. I am also a sucker for awesome dance skills and a clear love for what they are doing. Good actresses. Those who are good at comedy. Those who have something slightly unusual about them, though that isn't always the case...

And I seem to have a thing for dorky teeth apparently... I blame my own teeth for that, XD

21  黒エンビが今いちばん似合うのは誰だと思いますか?
 Whom do you think is currently best suited to a black tailcoat?

A - Is this just top star or any otokoyaku? Top Star? I would say Chie. Any Otokoyaku? Sou Kazuho, definitely.

22  「主演男役」という言葉を実際に使っていますか?
 Do you ever actually use the words "lead otokoyaku"?

A - Sometimes but only rarely. I tend to use 'top star' or 'top otokoyaku' more.

23  轟悠さんについて何かコメントを。
 Some comments on Todoroki Yuu.

A - Tom, Tom, Tom. I love her. She has such presence, and her skills... amazing. She also seems a bit intimidating, if you know what I mean. I love her though. *nods*

24  路線男役の条件って何でしょうね?
 What do you think are requirements for a star-tracked otokoyaku?

A - Someone with heaps of potiental but with the stamina to handle everything that is thrown at her. She needs to have fantastic skills, particularly in acting. Tons of Charisma. She needs to be able to just look at the audience and everyone swoons. She needs to have the whole package really.

25  路線娘役の条件って何でしょうね?
 What do you think are requirements for a star-tracked musumeyaku?

A - They need to be able to adapt. I say this meaning, they need to be able to adapt with and to their partner. They need to have skills and charisma to match their partner. They need to have an elegance about them and they need to be able to shine when only standing still. Again, heaps of potiential and high stamina is another must have.

26  柚希礼音さんはどうですか?
 What do you think of Yuzuki Reon?


I love her. She's my favourite current top star. 'Nuff said, XD

27  ゆうあやねコンビはどうですか?
 What do you think of the Yuu-Ayane combination?

A - If I'm being honest... I don't really follow hanagumi that much. My main draw for hanagumi is Eritan... but from what I've seen of Yuu and Ayane... they work well together. I am interested to see how Yuu does with Ranno Hana once Ayane has retired...

28  では、ちえねねコンビは?
 Well then, what about the Chie-Nene combination?

A - I have so much love for this two... omgoodness... <3 But then hoshigumi is my secondary troupe so... XD XD They are both insanely talented 'siennes, and I adore how well they compliment each other. Wah, I love them, <3

29  この人の芸名カッコイイ!と思うのは?
 What do you think is the coolest stage name?

A - Hmm... to be honest the stage name that I love the most is actually Daigo Seshiru... I think I love it cus it sounds different to all the other ones, it's sort of unique but not entirely, if you know what I mean... XD

30  「現役時代を見たかった!」と思うOGさんはいますか?
 Is there an OG whom you wish you could have seen when she was a current seito?

A - Shirahane Yuri, Haruno Sumire, and Asami Hikaru. If we can count non top stars too then... Tani Mizuse and Isaki Maoto for definite!!! NATSU!!!!! *wails* Gosh I miss her so much... *pouts* OH and not forgetting Saeki Chihaya and Aiki Yuma too...

31  「あのとき退団しなければ今頃は…」と思う生徒さんっていますよね?それは誰?
 Is there someone you think: "They didn't retire last time, but this time..."? Who is it?

A - To be honest... Toyoko is currently spinning in my head. What with both Chie and Teru being younger than her... she was batchmates with Tomu and Eritan but atleast they are in nibante position. Toyoko is only sanbante and I doubt they'll be pushing her anymore, unless they transfer her... you never know. I also worry about Morie and Hiromi... my babies can't leave!!! *flails*

32  彩吹真央さんについて何かコメントを。
 Some comments on Ayabuki Mao.

A - Aw, Yumiko. I love her. Not in a want to claim as a baby sort of way, but I really respect her for who she is. She is just such a fantastic person and you can't help but smile when she does. She is so amazingly talented aswell, and it will be so sad to see her go at the end of this month. I just hope she has such an awesome career after takarazuka, and that whatever she does she is happy.

33  在団中の90期娘役の中からイチオシを選ぶとしたら誰ですか?
 If you had to select a current musumeyaku from the 90th class to recommend, whom would it be?

A - Well aside from the top stars... no-one really. I tend to focus on the otokoyaku more. Though there are some musumeyaku that spark my interest they aren't in that class.

34  れみ派?せいこ派?
 Are you more partial to Remi's style, or Seiko's?

A - I'm gonna have to go with Remi. Only because she is the one I am most familiar with.

35  「その舞台化粧今すぐどうにかしてください!」と思う人っていますよね?それは誰?
 Is there someone whom you want to ask to improve their stage makeup? Who?

A - Nope, XD The babies make-up makes me giggle but then there is no way I could do any better... and besides... I love them for it, XD

36  涼紫央さんについて何かコメントを。
 Some comments on Suzumi Shio.

A - Toyoko, I love her too. There is just something different about her... the tone and quality to her voice sends chills down my spine, and omgoodness does she make an awesome villain. I have a feeling she might be retiring soon though.

37  青樹泉さんについて何かコメントを。
 Some comments on Aoki Izumi.

A - Morie. Sometimes I just want to cry over her... she was being pushed so much and then BAM nothing. My heart aches for her it really does. She is so talented and she has proved that she has got what it takes!! Her Tod, aside from being insanely adorable, I thought was really good! I would love to see her do more, get pushed again, but unless they transfer her I doubt that will happen. My poor 85ths...

38  「もっと使われてもいいはずなのにちっとも報われてない!」とあなたが思う生徒さんを教えてください。
 Please tell us about a seito you think should be used more, but gets no recognition.

A - My baby, Ayana Oto for one... seriously... she has proved herself SO many times but they keep passing her over. Come on... Look at her Pavel... outstanding. Her Lucheni? Outstanding and that was a shinko role!! Her Marcel? She made me cry she was so good!! Her Elmer... amazing!!! Come on Hankyuu!!!! Give her larger roles for her to be able to stretch her limbs and show everyone just what she is made of. She can do it. She has the skills. Kitarou should get more too... they keep type-casting her and it's not fair. Again she has proven she can do way more but they keep type-casting her... *pouts*

39  いま「劇団の秘蔵っ子」と言ったら誰を連想しますか?
 If I said "someone treasured by the company", whom would you associate that with?

A - Todoroki Yuu... *nods*

40  あなたにとってのベストエトワールはどなた?
 Whom do you consider the best etoile?

A - The best etoile... for me? Would be Haruka Midori from Elisabeth 2007. She's the only one that has really made me pay attention to her. Though another etoile did that too but not for a good reason...

41  「歌えない」or「踊れない」or「芝居ができない」、この中で一番不利だと思うのは?
 "She can't sing", "she can't dance", "she can't act", which do you consider the biggest handicap?

A - 'She can't act.' Hands down that is the most important thing for a performer, the ability to act. A performance isn't half as enjoyable if the performers can't act. I have seen so many wooden performances that have made me want to bash my head against the wall. I also do think a few seitos in 'zuka suffer from this too but I won't name names.

42  蘭寿とむさんについて何かコメントを。
 Some comments on Ranju Tomu.

A - Aw, Tomu. Another one I love. She has an infectious smile... and she is so adorable dorky sometimes. I adore her with blonde hair, ala Phoenix Wright... <3 Though one of my absolute fav roles for her is Sam Silver Junior from Copacabana... I think I melted the whole time she was on stage. I adore her and I can't wait to see her top star reign.

43  あなたが考える「男役トップスターの理想的な任期」ってどれくらいですか?
 What do you think is the preferred amount of time for a top star to hold that position?

A - I'm agreeing with the census on this one. 3-4 years.

44  好きな劇作家とその先生のマイベスト作品を教えてください。2人くらいまで。
 Please tell us who your favorite musical playwright is, and which of their works you like most. Up to two people is okay.

A - I will be honest here and say... I don't pay enough attention to the playwrights or any of the staff... *facepalm* I should have added that to my weakness list... and my confessions list, XD

45  好きなショー作家とその先生のマイベスト作品を教えてください。2人くらいまで。
 Please tell us who your favorite revue playwright is, and which of their works you like most. Up to two people is okay.

A - Again I'm not sure who did what, XD XD

46  着てみたい衣装ってありますよね?
 Is there a costume you'd like to try on?

A - The Rudolf costume for one. And the formal outfit for Elmer, both from Elisabeth. I would also like to try on Damduk's armour... and the green Sujini costume from Legend version II. Possibly some of the Berubara costumes...

47  あなたの好きな宝塚の楽曲を教えてください。3曲くらいまで。
 Please tell us your favorite Takarazuka tune. Up to three is okay.

A - 'Yami Ga Hirogaru' first... that song is just amazing. The song that Ivan and Pavel sing together in Brothers Karamazov. And then... 'Non Non Sugar', ^_^

48  ダンサーと言えば誰ですか?
 If I say dancer, whom do you think of?

A - Out of current 'Siennes? Ayana Oto. Just watch her and you'll see why.

49  歌手と言えば誰ですか?
 If I say singer, whom do you think of?

A - Mirai Yuuki, but since she will be retiring at the end of the month... Saou Kurama.

50  役者と言えば誰ですか?
 If I say actress, whom do you think of?

A - Sou Kazuho. Hands down.

51  マイベスト植田紳爾作品を教えてください。
 Please tell us what you think is Ueda Shinji's best work.

A - Berubara and all it's side stories and multiple versions.

52  2005年にやったばかりの月組「エリザベート」を2009にも再演しました。実際のところどうですか?
 Although Moon Troupe just performed "Elisabeth" in 2005, they revived it again in 2009. What do you really think of that?

A - I honestly did not mind at all. I adore the 2005 version for obvious reasons, *cough*Hiromi*cough* but I also thoroughly enjoyed the 09 version. I think Asako was more comfortable in the role of Tod then she was as Sissi, and it was more comfortable to watch her in that role too. Having the three different Rudolfs though I think was a bit much for the actresses... especially when you consider that Mirio had to learn all of Rudolf, Stephan and was shinko!Tod too... she managed though and I am quite proud of her. I am sort of hoping for another Elisabeth next year for when I'm over in Japan... XD

53  マイベスト柴田侑宏作品を教えてください。
 Please tell us what you think is Shibata Yukihiro's best work.

A - Hoshikage no Hito... it's the only one I've seen really, XD XD And who doesn't love Hiromi speaking in an adorable low pitched voice? XD XD

54  小池作品について何かコメントを。
 Some comments on Koike's works.

A - Well he did Legend and Daytime Hustler... and I adore those two... hmm... well by what I've seen of his stuff, he's very good at drama, and deaths... XD

55  「エリザベート」は何組バージョンが好きですか?
 Which troupe's version of Elisabeth do you like?

A - Yukigumi 2007. That's my favourite atleast. I won't go into too much detail or I won't stop. XD The only version I didn't particularly like was 96/97...

56  宝塚に外部スタッフとして招きたい人がいたら教えてください。実現可能性は問いません。
 Is there some staff from outside of Takarazuka that you'd like to work there? It doesn't matter how feasible it is.

A - As barmy as it sounds... I would love to see 'Zuka do some Andrew Lloyd Webber stuff... though I'm not sure how it would turn out really, XD

57  宝塚で舞台化してほしい原作モノ(小説・映画・歴史上の人物etc)はありますか?
 Is there an original work (novel, movie, historical person) that you'd like to see turned into a Takarazuka performance?

 If you have a cast in mind, add that too.

A - I know some of us have giggled over the thought of a 'Zuka version of the Sailor Moon Musicals, XD XD That would be interesting. I would love to see 'Zuka do Blood Brothers...

58  植田景子作品は好きですか?
 Do you like Ueda Keiko's works?

A - Datenshi... SOLD!! Yes I do, XD

59  齋藤作品はどうですか?
 What do you think of Saitou's works?

A - Brothers Karamazov... need I say more? XD XD

60  では、木村作品は?
 Well then, what about Kimura's?

A - Je T'aime, Susano-o... Yep!! I approve, XD

61  あなたにとっての宝塚ベストヒーローはどの作品のどのキャラクター?
 Which character from which performance do you think is the best Takarazuka hero?

A - Hero... Hmm... I would have to say... either Tony from Copacabana or Damduk from Legend.

62  では、ベストヒロインはどの作品のどのキャラクター?
 Well then, what about the best heroine?

A - Sujini... she's a heroine!!!! Okies so maybe not so much in the 'Zuka versions... *pouts* Ok, um... Would Oscar count? If not... Sally from Me and My Girl. *nods*

63  5年後の男役トップスターを5名予想してください。
 Predict the five top stars in five years.

 We don't know who will be in which troupe in five years, so troupe doesn't matter.

A - In five years... Otozuki Kei, Ouki Kaname, Ryuu Masaki, Ranju Tomu and Sou Kazuho. Though Eritan might have gone by that time too... *sobs*

64  観劇は友達と?ひとりで?
 Do you go to performances with friends or alone?

A - I am yet to see a show live but... I plan to go with friends, ^_^

65  観劇友達は多い方ですか?
 Do you have a lot of friends who go to shows?

A - Internet friends? Yeah. Real Life friends? sailortelevator has and some of the others are next week...

66  入り・出待ちってどうですか?
 What do you think of irimachi and demachi?

A - I think it's a good thing and I hope to experience it myself soon.

67  お茶会は好きですか?
 Do you like ochakai?

A - They sound like so much fun!! I've heard nothing but good things about them. ^_^

68  FCの会服について一言どうぞ。
 Feel free to say something about fan club uniforms.

A - I don't actually know what fanclubs have what outfits but I hope that whenever I finally join one that the merchandise is cute, ^_^

69  「歌劇」について何かコメントを。
 A comment about "Kageki".

A - I have three, ^_^ Kageki's are awesome, and I can't wait to actually be able to read and understand them. I also have lots of pages from random Kageki's up on my walls...

70  「宝塚GRAPH」について何かコメントを。
 A comment about "Takarazuka Graph".

A - I love Graph... I have many. And Hiromi gets a feature in the April 2010 one... *coughs* I will never shut up about that *coughs*

71  キャトルレーヴはよく使う?
 Do you use Quatre Reves often?

A - Yes. And considering I have never actually been there in person... ^^;;

72  キャトルレーヴにあったらいいな、と思うグッズは何ですか?
 What goods would you like to see at Quatre Reves?

A - Hmm... more nibante merchandise. More sanbante merchandise. And well... atleast some things for the other 'siennes... *wants more Hiromi stuff*

73  宝塚アンに行ったことはありますか?
 Have you ever been to Takarazuka-an?

A - Nope, not yet.

74  ついつい見てしまうお気に入りビデオは何ですか?
 Is there a video you saw against your better judgment and liked?

A - Hmm... probably Berubara... and now I love them, darn me loving the anime so much, XD XD

75  部屋を占領するビデオやプログラム、いつもどうしてますか?
 What do you do with your videos and programs in your room?

A - My Mooks and programmes and DVDs and things are all in a pile right next to my bed in easy reach. My chirasis... most of them are on my walls, with the rest of them in a neat little folder. My walls will need shifting around again soon... My calendars are on my walls too... three of them... ^^;;

76  劇場近辺のオススメ飲食店を教えてください。
 Please tell us a restaurant around the theaters that you recommend.

A - I've never been there so I can't really. Though I could be really cheeky and talk about restaurants around my local theatres since it wasn't specified... XD I won't though, I'll be good.

77  プレミアつきのチケットに手を出したことはありますか?言える範囲でどうぞ。
 Have you ever paid premium prices for sold-out tickets? Feel free to elaborate.

A - Nope. I've never gotten any tickets... yet.

78  劇団公式サイトに一言どうぞ。
 Feel free to say something about the Takarazuka Home Page.

A - It's shiny and sparkley though I don't go on there a lot. I tend to just lurk around takawiki instead since my Japanese is not up to standard yet.

79  スカイステージは見てますか?
 Do you watch Sky Stage?

A - I wish!!! Man how I wish I could watch it!! I've seen some shows that were shown on there, thanks to some very generous and kind souls, but I long to physically watch it myself.

80  第1、第2シリーズのパーソナルブックは揃えましたか?
 Do you have the first, second, or third series of personal books?

 Please tell us the purchasing circumstances, or why or why not you bought them.

A - I have the Chie one. I found it whilst looking for calendars on amazon japan and found myself clicking that add to basket button before clicking buy... XD XD

81  娘役さんのギャル系ファッションについてご意見をどうぞ。
 What's your opinion on the girlish fashion of musumeyaku?

A - I honestly don't mind it. It's up to the 'Siennes what they wear and I'll respect whatever they do choose to wear.

82  男役さんのオフポート、あまりフェミニンなのは困りますか?
 Is it a problem if otokoyaku are overly feminine in off-stage portrait photos?

A - I don't particularly mind though it does confuse the mind sometimes. It can be somewhat freaky to see an otokoyaku being all girly, XD XD

83  白状すると、ご贔屓が違う観劇友達と話をするのは疲れますか?
 Confess, if you're talking with a friend about a play without seito you support, are you bored?

A - Sometimes... it depends if the conversation turns into a squee session of a seito I'm not particularly fond of, then yes. Normally no, though, XD

84  「男役の色気」って何でしょうね?
 What is the "sexiness of otokoyaku"?

A - The ability for otokoyaku to just look at the audience and they swoon.

85  Are you partial to the TakaWiki or to Takarazuka blogdom?

A - Yep. I stalk takawiki daily for updates and I love the little feature called tracking on livejournal that allows me to stalk the journals of zuka fans... whoops... there goes my secret, XD XD I like to read people's opnions and things, ^^ Though I do follow some of the OG blogs too... Taniyan's and Tonami's specifically, XD

86  そこで思わずネットバトルに参戦してしまったり?
 Have you gotten caught up in any internet conflicts?

A - Sort of... conflicts between two friends that got out of hand and dragged me into it. It all got sorted though and I'm still friends with everyone that was involved, so no harm done, ^^ This is the reason for two journals though...

87  Do you prefer not to think of the Takarazuka Revue as a business?

A - I honestly don't mind it overly much. Yeah it makes things more expensive but I can understand it perfectly. So I don't mind.

88  「宝塚→ビアン虎の穴」と連想する非ヅカファンに一言どうぞ。
 What do you think of non-zuka fans who associate Takarazuka with a lesbian tiger pit?

A - Well I do find it annoying when they crack jokes about the lesbian thing. As if I havn't heard it all before. *rollseyes* But I'm just used to it. I tell them they are wrong and if they won't respect me and my love for it then they should just leave it alone and not talk about it at all.

89  宝塚ファンだということを会社や学校でカミングアウト済み?
 Have you come out as a Takarazuka fan at work or school?

A - At work? I'm unemployed again so the answer is n/a, XD At Uni? Yeah. I sometimes take my Graph or a Kageki with me to flick through during my break, ^_^

90  全くのドシロウトさんに「宝塚ってどうよ?」と言われたら何て切り返す?
 If a complete beginner asked you "What's so great about Takarazuka?" how would you reply?

A -
The fact that is different to standard theatre but it's not done in jest. They are skilled at what they do and they are believable. I also love how they don't just specialise in Japanese theatre but take on the Western shows too. Add on to that the costumes, especially the revue and parade ones... nice and shiny and sparkley!!

91  宝塚に対して「萌え~」って言うのはアリですか?
 Have you ever used the term "infatuation" in regards to Takarazuka?

A - Not really... XD XD

92  宝塚にハマっていることが原因で実生活の男性観が歪むことはありますか?
 Has your love for Takarazuka ever slanted your perceptions of men in your real life?

A - Not really. My view on men has been the same all the way through really.

93  宝塚ファンとして「戻れないところまで来ちゃったな」と思った瞬間は?
 Have you ever had an instant as a fan where you thought: "I've gone past the point of no return?"

A - *giggles* Oh dear... Um... when I covered my walls with pictures? When I started cosplaying characters from Takarazuka shows? When I bought my Je T'aime DVD followed by my Elisabeth DVD followed by my Mooks and Calendars followed by my Hoshikage no Hito DVD? XD XD I think the calendars did it... I got three different ones, XD

94  「痛いファン」ってどんな人でしょうね?
 What kind of person is an "excessive fan"?

A - An excessive fan... probably me, XD Though I'm not excessive in the way that I go over the top to make sure I get everything I want. I am not in debt, XD A bad excessive fan is one who refuses to let others talk about their favourite 'sienne and is overly posessive.

95  男性の宝塚ファンをどう思いますか?
 What do you think of men being Takarazuka fans?

A - I think it's fantastic!!! One of my male friends is a 'Zuka fan!! XD XD I honestly don't mind about it. Though it is hysterically funny when we can both sit there and squee about the same 'siennes and things, XD

96  「オールドファン」の定義を教えてください。
 Please tell us your definition of an "old fan".

A - An old fan to me is someone who has been into the fandom for a long time.

97  宝塚ファンとして絶対にしてはいけないことは何だと思いますか?
 What do you think is something that Takarazuka fans must not do?

A - Be rude, disrespectful or aggressive to the 'Siennes, to the Staff and to the other fans.

98  宝塚ファンをやめるとしたらどんなときですか?
 What would cause you to stop being a Takarazuka fan?

A - If for some reason they disbanded. Or perhaps death maybe? Part of me will always love 'Zuka. It's part of my musical theatre love and that will always be a part of me.

99  もし、自分に娘が生まれたら宝塚に入れたい?
 If you had a daughter, would you want her to enter Takarazuka?

A - If it was what she wanted to do and knew exactly what she was getting herself into, then sure.

100  最後の質問。あなたにとって宝塚とは?「夢の世界」以外のお答えをどうぞ。
 Last question. What is Takarazuka to you? Please answer with something other than "a world of dreams".

A - Takarazuka to me? It is something that makes me happy. It can cheer me up when I am feeling the most down. It makes my ambition to perform in theatre grow ever stronger. It enspires me. It has enabled me to make some of the best friends I could ever ask for. It made me feel more complete than I was before. It is magic. It is happiness. It is love.

And that was an incredibly cheesy answer but oh well, XD

Long answers was long. I apologise, XD

meme, takarazuka

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