Hm A Real Entry

Aug 24, 2007 12:49

Ignore my previous entry. It was written during a time of pre-menstural emo-ness.

So I've been playing a lot of WoW lately (like always), but I think for different reasons recently... Now it's more just a way to avoid thinking about what's going to be happening in a few weeks. Instead of dreading the feelings of sadness and emptiness I know I'll feel when Joe leaves, I try to think about looking forward to being able to raid/do instances during normal peak times once I move back to the US. It makes me feel like a HUGE DORK to think of myself getting excited about being able to play WoW, but I guess I'd rather feel like a dork than mope about. I really need to schedule a doctor's appointment to see if I can get more of the anti-axiety medication I got before I came here. I really, really, really hate flying... to a point that even thinking about it makes me want to vomit. I have some left-over motion sickness medication, but that stuff makes me pass out, so I hope my dad understands if he has to entertain Anthony for the whole flight. ^^ Oh yea, my dad is coming up from the US to fly back home with us! That's so great because I was really worried about it just being me and Anthony driving and flying all that way. I still have to figure out how we're going to get from our house to the airport, I think we might just rent a cab, even though that will be VERY expensive... seems like it's about the only option.

Anthony has started saying the "ma" syllable, though he just says it because it's a new sound, not because it means anything. :/ He's getting better about pointing to different body parts and both he and other people have the same parts. (For a long time it was always someone else's nose he'd point to, now he points to his nose!) He's starting to be a real climber, can climb up on all the chairs and couches. If he can't get somewhere, he'll move a box or something to stand on to try and get there. When we get back we're going to probably rearrange how the house is and toddler proof a bit better. (If we stay in this house... I'd really like to find a nice old country cottage, but that doesn't seem likely.)

I need new icons, but I'm just not motivated to make them. I also need to upload pics to shutterfly, I haven't done that in ages. Maybe this weekend I'll get around to it. But so much to do, need to clean our room, the garage, and I need to go through Anthony's clothes and figure out what doesn't fit anymore (not to mention there are still a couple unpacked boxes sitting on the floor). Hard to believe there's only 2-3 weeks left before Joe leavs. :(

Oh Steph.. Thanksgiving is cancelled. :( I keep forgetting to tell you. Joe mentioned it at work and someone else said "THAT'S A GREAT IDEA" and basically took it over. So now I'm not sure what's going on. We should still go out to Nandos or something, or see Harry Potter, or Pirates. XD
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