Little By Little

Nov 28, 2013 12:16

written by Yuuta/BeautifulWhite_
Yamada Ryosuke/Chinen Yuri
Genre: Fluff, Romance | Rating: PG-13

I don't own the characters. I don't make money from writing this.

The Yamada Ryosuke I knew almost four years ago was a boy who had always been far, far away. During the school’s break time, I saw him almost immediately running out of the class among his peers. His dark mop was wild as the wind swept. His arms flailed about. His smile was radiant. Sometimes I watched him play football with his classmates, against the students from different classes. He was not that great, to tell the truth. He often tumbled over his own foot or got tackled by bigger opponents. How he kept his head up and laugh was beyond me. He was a bundle of joy-bouncing off the walls and floors, here and there.

Nevertheless, he was quite entertaining.

I never left my class, except during P.E. class. Not that my body is weak or anything, I was just too lazy to move around. I enjoyed spending the break time nibbling onigiris and sipping oolong tea while watching outside the window. Or, if it was raining, I prefered sleeping it off until I felt a nudge on my ribs as the only alarm that the teacher had come. From the window next to my seat, Yamada Ryosuke was a clear sight. It had almost become a habit to watch whatever the older boy did.

Speaking of the devil, I heard the swooning girls three seats apart from mine breathed his name every time Yamada did… whatever I saw him foolish things, but it was the complete opposite to the girls. Well, they’re girls. Ever since that time, I tasted the name in my tongue, “Yamada Ryosuke. Ryosuke. Ryo….” Of course without any of the girls knew. I did it as a mantra when I watched him from my window. Quietly.

I wonder how it happened. Not long after the seventh day I mumbled his name against my onigiri, the black haired boy outside the window suddenly stopped running. I watched him waving while laughing to someone across the courtyard. His back faced me. Then, he turned around. His dark eyes swept the window rows of the building’s ground floor… until they met mine. I was too stunned to do anything but watching him smiled wider-wider than any of his smiles I had ever seen-and waved at me. I saw his mouth opened up and made a small o and grinned. My overheated brain sluggishly recognised what the boy was trying to say from afar.


I almost got choked. Did Yamada-that Yamada-just wave at me, even called my name? I felt the girls in my class bored a hole at my side with their insane stare. My brain offered a few suggestions. I could wave back at him or pretended that I saw nothing. But I could do none of them. Instead, I sat completely frozen. My onigiri fell onto my lap.


Ever since that day, the Yamada Ryosuke I knew was a dark haired boy with such contagious smile waving at me from another side of the window. Sometimes, he would frantically waved from the courtyard after he scored a goal-I rolled my eyes. Sometimes, he was right outside my window, glued on the glass with a goofy grin-I almost got a heart attack at that. He ran off, though, after the teacher yelled at him for disrupting the class. Inoo-sensei was the scariest teacher when he was mad. He usually had a pretty face and was gentle, but his shrieking voice was the kind of voice you did never want to hear.

I learned more about Yamada. His good side, as well as his bad side. My bench mate told me, Yamada was the second child of his household. He got one older sister and one younger sister. “Hee,” was all my comment on each story. Apparently, my bench mate lived near Yamada’s house. In consequences, he knew much about Yamada. I liked to hear anything about him. At the same time, I hated the fact that the girls shot me ferocious glares every time I walked past them or the other way around. That might be the biggest why I stayed loyal to my seat and my bento box during break time.

Not until a sudden knock on the window glass broke the train of my thoughts. I turned at saw Yamada’s face glued on the window glass, beaming. I jumped a foot.

“W-what the?”

“First thing’s first, would you mind open it up for me?” Yamada’s muffled voice told him.

With shaky hands, I fumbled around the knob then let the window slide open. I realised, it was the first time he heard Yamada’s voice this close. Even though it was muffled. But then as the window was opened, Yamada’s manly voice entered my ears. Blood rushed to my face. I was certain that I was as red as tomato in front of him, but I could careless. “Can I borrow your English notes? I was told that you got the highest score for the entrance test. I don’t understand even half of what the teacher is saying…” he continued rambling while I absorbed the gentleness in his tone.

“I-I don’t have it now. We don’t have English until the other day,” I did my best not to stammer. It was hard. The fact that Yamada was leaning to me did not help. I almost hyperventilated myself.

“Ah, pity,” Yamada let out a disappointed sigh. “Well then, I’ll come again. Bye!” By that, he waved and went cheerfully.

I collapsed on my chair. Face completely as pale as ghost. On the next second, I felt myself being dragged by my bench mate. I heard him screamed “to Infirmary!”. I could not believe I passed out. Just because I talked with Yamada of all people. How embarrassing.


Girls are scary, I had heard. The statement was not a bit wrong once one of my female classmate came to my desk, banging her hands then rambling on how crushed her love life was. I blinked. Looking from her shoulder, I had silently wished this was not happening. Getting my knees wobbled from talking with Yamada was one thing, getting the wrath of the female population of my class was the other thing. I sighed as I calmly picked up by book. Not that I was reading at all.

“For starters, you do not discuss your sole love life. We both-we all know, it has God knows how much to do with Yamada.” It bothered me that I have to explain things I detest. “Why don’t you ask his opinion about you if it could satisfy you?”

The flaming girl was about to retort when a voice cut her. It came from the window. “Don’t bother.” I knew that voice too well that my heart stopped. I didn’t dare to move a muscle.

I heard the rustle and knew straight away what Yamada did: he climbed the window and walked approaching me. I felt a presence behind my back. And a hand clasped on my right shoulder. Yamada’s stern voice thundered from above my head. “My love life is my own business. I can only say that it has nothing to do with all of you.” My stomach churned when I heard him say it. “Well, nothing to do with you, except Yuri and I actually. Now go, before I did something I would not regret.”

My heart exploded. What was that?! What for Heaven’s sake was that?!

The girls backed away. That did not ease my feelings at all. My book fell of my grasp. The presence behind me shifted closer and I felt like the world almost instantly dimming. “Whoa, whoa! Yuri!” Yamada knelt by my side. His face was masked by a mix of panic and concern. “Breathe! Come on, you can do it.” I did not know what he was saying until my lungs burnt. I was heaving, but why did not any air fill in? Yamada’s strong hands helped my head rest on his shoulder. Then, I felt my left hand was guided to his chest. I could feel it raise and fall underneath my palm. “Come on, match your breath to mine. In from your nose-out from your mouth-in-out-in-out…”

As I regained my breath back, I slumped against him. I was such a lame guy. Hyperventilating when Yamada was right behind me? My anchestor must have cursed me to the next ten centuries.

Yamada’s chest rumbled as he laugh heartily. “You scared me to death, Yuri,” I sucked my breath at the sound of my name. Had it always been that beautiful? Yamada’s hand moved up and down on my back, easing up my muscles. It felt surprisingly good.

The Yamada Ryosuke I knew was a kind-hearted and a very caring boy. He did not let me up until I could regain my full composure. He chuckled seeing my scarlet face. “Cute,” he complemented. However, he glared venomously at every mocking eye and sneer. I felt protected. “Say, Yuri, want to come home together with me?”

I did a double take at that.

The Yamada Ryosuke who had always been so far, from then on walked shoulder to shoulder with me every after school. I could never be anymore happier.

the end.

A/N: Yatta! Finally I have a chance to update! Who missed me? I missed everyone *bawls*

This fic is dedicated to my ichiban, Chinen Yuri, as his advance birthday fic. I think I will be busy on November 30, that's why I posted it now. Anyway, Chinen-sama, happy 20th birthday! XD You're a man now! Aww. You grow too fast for my liking *sniffs* Desho, minna?!

genre: romance, pairing: yamada/chinen, subject: yamada ryosuke, genre: fluff, subject: chinen yuri, rating: pg-13

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