Mori No Naka

Sep 07, 2013 21:56

written by Yuuta/BeautifulWhite_
Yamada Ryosuke/Chinen Yuri
Genre: Supernatural | Rating: G

I don't own the characters. I don't make money from writing this.

Everyone knew Ryosuke. The boy came from a rich family Yamada. He was orphaned when he was three years old. His parents left him with mountains of... treasure, shall we say. Despite his being the number one young billionaire, he did not appear as one at all.

He was slender and rather short compared to the other kids his age. Dirt covered up his cheeks and chin, as well as his worn out clothes. His jet-black hair was sticking up to all directions. His brown eyes blazed in constant vigilant. He was always seen with scrapes and cuts. Though, it was clear that everything did not come from the harm on his wealth status. Kids around his age were frequently seen after him, throwing balls of paper or pebbles. None of them did care of him hurting, bleeding. Neither did the villagers who were completely aware of the sad situation.

Poor Ryosuke was once again getting bullied that afternoon. “Ryooosuke is a liar! Ryosuke is a liar! Hahaha!” the kids did an obnoxious job at chanting, while throwing him with balls of paper. The boy stumbled upon a rock and fell face first to the ground. With a grunt, he pulled himself up then sat on his heels. He quickly realised something wet and sticky slammed against his right ear. Ryosuke wiped the substance, while his brain registered the smell as natto. He frowned. That never happened before.

Great. The kids are getting creative. What now? Throwing me with food!

The jet-black haired lad got up with a snarl that matched a tibetan mastiff’s. The blasted kids were instantly backing up from the wounded boy. Silence fell, as no one dared to move under such intense glare. If only look could kill, they would all be six feet underground or burnt into ashes.

The woods of the hill just behind the village gave a creepy feeling even in daylight-rumours said there lived a monster that would steal bad children if they dared to come to the frontier. The spiritual aura was so thick that it could be felt from miles away. However, the kids enjoyed bullying Ryosuke that they did not realize that they had reached the restricted area. To make things worse, there were no adult villagers spotted.

Ryosuke narrowed his eyes to slits. His heart was pounding inside his ribcage from both exhaustion and nervousness. He had secretly lured them to the place. He might gain advantage here, making use of the legend of the woods. But he knew the kids weren’t easily subdued. They never left Ryosuke standing on his feet. The kids might look scared-they were quieter this time-but they evidently bold enough to continue taunting Ryosuke. To Ryosuke, it wouldn’t be much surprising. He had guessed this would happen.

“So you brought us here, little liar?” the biggest kid stepped forward albeit hesitantly. His voice faltered an octave. Sweat rolled down his hairline. His gut was admirable, though. “Wanna help from your fox friend? Where is he?” The smirk grew wider as nothing yet happen aside from the chilly wind of prior winter. “Did he get flat after you land on him?”

The laughter died as quickly as it started. Everyone glanced at each other. Fear evident in their eyes. It wasn’t Ryosuke’s doing. The wind just got suddenly colder, sending chill through their spines. The leaves propelled to the air, twirling. Ryosuke turned to the woods then dashed in.

There was an abandoned stairway leading to a small shrine on the top of the hill. To Ryosuke, the woods had been his playground since he was an orphan. He came to the woods almost everyday, visiting the broken shrine. He was not a naughty child. That was the only reason his caretaker could think as he found Ryosuke was missing some time ago and came back alive with an earsplitting grin and rosy cheeks.

The kids did not chase him right away. Rather than that, they looked at each other once again. The biggest kid got the most attention. “Oh for the love of...” he wrinkled his nose then walked passed the frontier. “All of you are such cowards!” He was hoping to get more follower. Yet, when he was inside, he was all alone. His friends were precisely what he described. He was tempted to go back home, might be this time he would let go of that liar runt Yamada, but as he turned to the frontier... he didn’t see anything but trees and bushes; as if he had entered the depth of the woods. “What...?”

“I assure you, you are not hallucinating.”

He jumped a feet, hearing an ever so cheerful and airy voice. He turned on his spot. His eyes wildly scanned the area but finding no one as close as the voice had been. The sole of his shoes snapped a twig laid on the floor of the woods. His breath quickened. Sweat rolled down more profusely. He turned around too fast that he got dizzying spells from it. Yet, not a single figure he could make. It had to be the trick that Yamada boy pulled. He could careless that the voice next chimed again was too high to be Yamada’s.

“My presence has nothing to do with Ryo-chan, you know.” It sounded like a voice of a younger boy’s made.

The kid did a perfect attempt to mimic a gold-fish. His mouth opened and closed without words escaping. A childish giggle emanated from the thin air. Colours drained drastically from his face, leaving him ghostly white. He was sure he had a likely great reason to wet himself.

“You are not as tough as you look, are you now?”

Despite no cage surround him and no plastic bags stuffed in his face, the big kid felt trapped. There wasn’t an escape hole for him; not when he was facing the true horror. He was developing a panic attack when the air by his side simmered... followed by an appearance of a small child-smaller than Yamada, but he could feel the power swirling around him, covering him like a cloak.

The boy had the same black hair as his, as well as Yamada’s. But it was much softer and silkier; and notably darker with a thin shade of blue. His skin was the lightest ever seen of a human-if he was a human at all, which he was not. He wore a white kimono, with hakama as the bottom. Though, the sleeves were way longer that they reached the ground. Long enough that one could fold the sheet into forms. The boy had a crane-like form on his left sleeve and a shuriken on his right, a big one to cover half of his chest. His being was simply radiant. Behind his back though... fat and fluffy nine tails waving lazily.

The boy grinned and waved vigorously at the big kid. Though he looked as normal as human and actually was a pretty one, the latter still managed to fell ungracefully. Eyes rolled to the back of his head. Face slammed to the ground.

The grin left the nine-tailed boy as it quickly replaced by a pout that rivaled a puppy’s. “Will Ryo-chan be angry if I eat him? I doubt that he tastes delicious, though.” He looked at the limp form of the bully. His black eyes blazes an absolute hatred.


Ryosuke was panting as he reached the toppest stairs. He plopped on the small clearing, careless enough to make his clothes even dirtier. Well, it had been dirty from the start. What’s the big deal?

After a few minutes, his breath finally evened out. The exhaustion was starting to catch up on him. With the soothing wind and the light of the sky that had drastically dimmed, his eyes drooped. He wasn’t far from falling asleep though when a voice interrupted the pulling, “You can catch a cold if you sleep here, Ryo-chan.”

Ryosuke smiled. He knew who was there. “Yuri?” True to his guess, he smelt a familiar flowery fragrant and felt a light touch prodded his shoulder. Whether or not he answered, he didn’t know. He had too tired. Sleep was a good option to take at the moment.

The boy in white attire, squatting down beside Ryosuke’s head, heaved a sigh. His shoulders slumped as he shook his head. Yuri was indeed his name... his name that he gave only to Ryosuke. Yuri poked Ryosuke’s chubby cheek but the later didn’t come around. “He really is asleep,” Yuri pouted. “How can he be asleep here of all places? Doesn’t he have a nice bed and warm blankets in his house? I don’t understand human.”

But then, Ryosuke had always been a mystery for him. Since the first time the human boy intruded his peace woods and shrine, Ryosuke’s aura was the purest he had ever seen. However his heart was the emptiest. Ryosuke laughed a lot and seemed to be a happy kid, but he always came with scrapes and cuts. Ryosuke told him many stories about the outside world-the term Yuri put on to describe the world outside his woods. Ryosuke introduced him to human games. Yuri had played cards, chess, shogi, etc. and had found his interest in karuta. The fox-spirit enjoyed seeing Ryosuke flew from his seat to a card. Sometimes he made fun of it when Ryosuke fell clumsily. Ryosuke read many books. Yuri couldn’t read, so Ryosuke brought a thin book with pictures and words. So far, Yuri only recognise gyoza and Ryosuke’s kanji letters. A learning speed which was far from Ryosuke’s liking.

With another sigh, Yuri laid himself down to the ground next to Ryosuke. He wrapped his arms around Ryosuke’s torso and snuggled up, breathing the sweet sweaty smell of the human. Yuri always favour him possibly above anything in this world. He felt Ryosuke moved and followed up instinctively; Ryosuke had positioned himself so Yuri could use his arm as a pillow. And in just a few minutes, Yuri felt his lids getting heavy. Soon, he joined the dreamland, lulled by Ryosuke’s soft breathing and steady heartbeat.


A/N: Who still remembers "My Kawaii Nine-Tailed Kitsune-chan"? This fic is based on that fic. Unfortunately I have regretfully dropped it. I wrote it last year. Chii was a nine-tailed fox spirit. And when Chinen's upcoming drama was announced, I was like... OMG Chinen is haunting me! He demands me to continue my fic! But I'm sorry, I can't write as much as the past times now. My writing skills seemed to rot anyway. Well I don't really have good reasons. Firstly, I'm on my last year at university. I want to grab a scholarship for post-graduate study abroad. I have to work hard for this. Secondly, there is a family problem. It concerns my sister. I am doing my best to support my parents. I know they haven't been the best parents in the world for me. But I still hate to see my mom looks like aging tenfold when she talked about my sister. Yeah, those are all the reasons I can offer. I won't hate you if you can't accept my reasoning, you know. I hope this oneshot entertained you. // Best regards, Yuuta.

pairing: yamada/chinen, rating: g, genre: supernatural

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