(no subject)

Jan 21, 2007 04:14

So, it was snowy this morning when I woke up. Like, I walked out to my car and there were three inches on top of it. So I swept the car, and about the time I got to the left side of the hood, I looked over at the right side of the hood and said, "Wait, didn't I clear that side already? ...Oh, shit!"

Most unfortunately, my snow tires were still in the basement of Dad's studio.

"Well, *that* was interesting."
"Oh, shit!"
"To any squirrels that might be out there: You are S.O.L."
"I'm okay, it's okay... nothing's broken..."
"I am a leaf on the wind..."

Despite all this, I made it into work all right (if 45 minutes late) and my car is completely undamaged. Just, y'know, in case you worried.

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