So I guess two things. I'm over at
lurrel at Dreamwidth now, if you're making the switch or whatever. I'll continue posting at Livejournal, though, since it has a pretty big 'home' feeling for me, but I don't have much in the way of preferences for comments or whatever.
I wrote two things for Yuletide, beating my expectation of only writing my assignment and no treats,
so that's neat.
You Yes You (50/50) for
holliSo this was not the fandom I was matched with, but I wasn't sure I could do that fandom justice, and 50/50 is a movie that has sort of rolled around in my head since I saw it. I definitely wouldn't have been able to hack it without the guidance of
jibrailis &
recrudescence, both of whom held my hand as I dithered about whether or not it was funny. I'm really happy with this work, and it was actually a really nice break from what I've been working on in Inception.
Blue Lights (Actor RPF), for
sansetsI was just meandering through the list and saw Ellen Page/Emma Stone, possibly during the apocalypse? How could I not?
It's also a new year! 2011 was a peculiar year for me -- the past two years have been hard. Really really hard years. And so it's difficult to untangle all the disjointed feelings I have about those two years from this year; the feelings of relief that this year was just not last year were pretty strong.
Anyway. Highlights and resolutions.
Big highlights:
- Landed a job. I don't know if I've talked about this much, but in May I was hired full time as a research analyst for a web development consulting firm. I really, really like my job, and it's been a good mix of most of my interests.
- Finished my master's in public policy. This semester was my capstone semester, and despite being the only person with a health & gender concentration, I ended up with a capstone project that dealt with maternal health. It was kind of a shit show, but now that's it's over and client presentations have been made, I'm really really proud of what we've done.
- Not moved! This is a big one -- I've moved 10 times since 2005 and so being in a place for over a year is really fucking nice.
Smaller highlights:
- Managed to slowly carve a social life out again, as in not going for weeks holed up in my room mired in chronic pain and despair.
- Wrote 12 stories, which isn't much in comparison to last year's prolific output, but. I am happy with it.
- Fandom fun with people in the real was at an all time high, and I enjoyed every visit
- Saw Beirut twice in concert
- Started playing in an ensemble again
There are the things that are hard to measure, or hard to claim as accomplishments. My fibro has improved a lot this year, and it's difficult not to say 'good job managing your life, lurrel,' since that's really only a small part of whether or not I will have a flare or if I will relapse or if anything happens at all. But it has been better, which is nice. It's also equally hard not to spend all my "good" time waiting for the big flare that's going to knock me on my ass again. Anyway, my health has been relatively stable in 2011, and I hope I can continue to manage it as best I can in 2012 without worrying too much about how I can't really control much of it.
In 2012, I hope to:
- Go on my first big girl vacation (to Hawaii) in April.
- Do SXSW for the first time (through work).
- Clean my room, in a way that involves getting rid of the detritus that's accumulated from six years of living and moving hastily around the city. I've already got several bags of clothing to donate but I'm pretty sure I could at least cut my wardrobe down by another 25%.
- Try exercising once a week beyond daily PT exercises. My rheumetologist has mysteriously finally cleared me for going to the gym (it had less to do with my pain levels and more to do with hitting a magical number on the scale, it turns out), so I should at least try that. If it turns out I can't, I should suck it up and buy an exercise bike, because I know I need to be more active or my joints will lock up and I will turn to dust and blow away.
- Take classes that nurture me a little more than 'women's reproductive health policy' or 'sex-discrimination law' did. I've already started on this one and signed up for fifteen weeks of a once-a-week figure drawing session at a local indie gallery. It seems like it'll be fun and low key. Then - fiddle lessons.
- Play more music. Make more art.
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DW. Please comment wherever you'd prefer.