it takes a muscle to fall in love

Feb 06, 2012 21:12

It's occurred to me that I haven't posted in about a month. The only really thrilling thing in my life is that I went to New York City in January, but even that was a pretty low-key trip that consisted mostly of eating brunch every day and spending way too much on a pair of boots. But they're pretty ace boots.

The one interesting deviation from my pretty typical life as a functioning alcoholic (aka someone in DC) is that I'm taking a figure drawing course from the indie art gallery in town. I'm thinking about maybe scanning in some sketches to post but am unsure if that's just really boring or not. Mostly it's really nice because I haven't done any serious art in about six years, and it's a good way to let off work stress.

I have also been working on my big bang, pretty much ceaselessly. It's about 25K right now. Again, I never know if people care to read about my writing process on this blog? I like reading about how other people craft stories but my "process" is pretty much just panicking, liking what I write, hating everything I have written, panicking, and then liking it again, with some editing and beta hand-holding shoved in there.

ANYWAY. Out of what I've read so far, I would totally rec:

jibrailis' Antimony, with art by

bluelittlepig that matches the tone of the story perfectly. It's wonderfully paced and has a really satisfying blend of emotions, character growth, and intrigue. (Full disclosure: I had the great pleasure and honor of being a beta on this).

eleveninches' The Material Life of a Californian Suburb, with charmingly environmental art by

sorrynotsorry. Eames learns that there is more to life than stabbing and being shot at. Arthur is mostly Arthur about it.

eternalsojourn 's Make it Mean, which is quite violent but has a 'what-if' quality to it that I loved; it's packed with heartbreaking little almosts. It's also illustrated by the astonishingly talented

sin_repent , so that's definitely worth a look or five.

Anyway, friends, recommend me some cyberpunk books written by women.

This entry was originally posted at DW. Please comment wherever you'd prefer.

recs, inception, reverse bang

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