Really. I mean, really.

Jun 10, 2010 01:20

I don't know WHY this didn't occur to me TEN YEARS AGO:

To most normal guys, a girl that you'd want to date is of more importance than the girl you'd want to have sex with.

To me, someone that I'd want to date isn't nearly as important as the person I'd want to have sex with.

Example? Oh, because I'm one of the guys (to a point) hearing them talk about the girls that they'd have sex with (or had sex with) but would never get in relationships with. Which is funny, because my standards for dating are much lower than the standards for someone who dares risk the teeth.

(FYI, Lizzie, achieved reality is perceived reality, I'd better stop making teeth jokes or I'll actually grow a pair down there...)

In other news, I made buttercream frosting today with a fork. And I think I sold my Sakura costume. And I need to stop watching so much TNG. YAY KRYSTAL THIS WEEKEND WHOOO!


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