So I wanted to do a writeup for each of the nations within the realm of my setting, now that I actually have them placed on a map (thanks to Rajani for showing me PlanetGen). I never know what sort of information is sutiable for these, and I kinda ended off with no real finalization, but this is what I have for the Camanoe Commonwealth, the lands that Kel comes from and where he plies his trade. I'm sure I could have included more, and I may make further 'entires' into the collection, giving more detail on the way of life rather than just the overall stuff.
Anyway, yeah.
The Camanoe Commonwealth
An overview by Kel Deverell, Bard of the Deverell house
From the private collections of House Deverell
The Camanoe Commonwealth consists of many dukedoms and fiefdoms and other such holdings, each with their own political squabbles, ruled by a figurehead king, Tiberitus Camanoe. The Commonwealth is ultimately ruled by the people, whom vote the king into station at the end of his tenure, though how long that tenure should be has been of much debate. The people will call an early vote should they find their king unworthy of his position, and often a king isn't even in place long enough for the Commonwealth to use bear his name.
Tiberitus Camanoe has been in rule for over a decade, a rare thing among the kings of the Commonwealth. His rule consists of simply letting the people do as they please, and only stepping in when they call for him to do so. Other kings have tried to change the political structure of the Commonwealth, to mold it into their ideal kingdom, demanding tithes and services befitting a king. The people fight back against such, however, and Tiberitus, knowing that the people prefer to live their own lives without a figurehead telling them how to run their politics and land, simply remains in his position of lazy decadence while ignoring the fights and squabbles. Better to let them sort themselves out than try to rule over them if it means he'd lose his cozy position.
For their part, the dukes rule their territories with the only purpose being to increase them. The political struggles are often little more than petty squabbles, solved through marriage or even assassination as needed. One never knows what duke they'll be under from one day to the next, but so long as the dukes are all busy fighting with each other, the people are free to live as they wish.
There are taxes, and some dukes charge higher taxes than others, though civil conflicts seldom break out over this, for it is far easier to avoid taxation than one would expect. The dukes, so involved with their petty conflicts, seldom check to be sure taxes are being collected, and rarely look at the records to see whom has and hasn't paid, or how much they're paying.
The true rulers of the lands of the Commonwealth are the diplomats. Bards, rogues and other such persons whom find themselves of a decent noble status to have some sway over the handlings of the lands will travel from holding to holding, manipulating the nobles in those territories they wish to improve, ensuring that the people as a whole are left relatively alone. They are often the ones who cause the squabbles and skirmishes between the dukes, or fan the flames of an already existing conflict, spreading rumours and half-truths until the dukes are so involved in the situation that they can no longer focus on anything else until it is dealt with.
None of the Commonwealth know the true power of the diplomat's words, nor the extent of manipulation and control they have over the lands. Amongst their own kind, it is more of a game than any real play for power, simply a means to keep the nobles busy with other things. The occasional diplomat will go too far, and wind up with his head on a pike, but seldom do these occurrences have any impact on the overall manipulations. Those whom wind up in such a predicament are either poorly trained or too eager to prove themselves, making mistakes where they shouldn't, and better off being found out and put to death individually than shining any light on the situation as a whole.
Meanwhile, the common people live their lives, going about their daily activities, running businesses and trade, tending to farmlands and herds. They are a relatively pleasant people, open-minded and eager to go about their lives without worrying about the dukes and nobles.
Visitors to the lands are welcome in most locations, though some few have tried to close themselves off to what they would call meddling outsiders. It never succeeds for long, however. While the normal dangers still exist, thieves, assassins, ruffians and the likes, the people as a whole seldom care about the unusually garbed outsiders visiting their holdings, and often greet them with open arms, or even beds.
There are few things considered illegal in the Commonwealth, mainly theft, murder, all of the typical crimes of most nations. Prostitution, drugs, alcohol, all are perfectly allowable in the lands, even profitable and taxable in some areas.
Guilds have sprung up over the centuries to support many professions, from thieving and assassination to prostitution and drug dealing. The guilds rule much of the lands, though the diplomats often have a firm hold of each, carefully ensuring that rules are in place to protect the best interests of both the guilds and the people, and to prevent warring amongst the different guilds.