Apr 05, 2010 09:03
There is no reason for me to be up this early except for the fact that my body refuses to sleep past 8 am anymore. So the cure - obviously - is copious amounts of coffee spiced up with almond milk (which strangely doesn't like to bond to coffee but floats around in it before setteling to the bottom.)
Had a great Easter Sunday afternoon chilling down by the boardwalk with some friends. I made a video but I can't figure out how upload it here unless it's a youtube link. I don't have a youtube account - yet - so it's something to work on.
We played frisbee and soccer, while catching a breeze and sun off Lake Champlain. My friends thought it was funny to throw the frisbee high over my head and watch me attempt to jump for it. I'm not short, just vertically challenged! Soccer was even better, because I have no soccer skills and everyone else did. I want to see them try and take me on on and tennis or volleyball court, I know where my skills lie.
Then we dipped our feet in the - freezing, ice cold, bitter - water of Lake Champlain and had a dicussion about Champ, the lake monster reputed to be living in the lake. I thought it was hilarious that for a couple days Lake Champlain fought for and got Great Lake status until some people in Michigan - who decide those things - said "hell no!" So true, Champlain is way to small to be Great.
Then in a fit of Easter happiness I decided to treat everyone to ice cream. So we marched back up the hill to Burlington's claim to fame - Ben & Jerry's. On such a hot day the line was out the door so we had one minute dance parties to amuse ourselves. A guy working behind the counter joined in and later gave us all little keyring cards for 10% off. FTW.
All in all it was a great day.
one minute dance party,