drabble entries!!

Feb 05, 2007 22:12

Title: Bubble-baths and surprises
Author: chiaki_ayumi
Pairing: H/D
Rating: NC17 ( i think)
Warning: Slash, and the surprise
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of JK Rowling, et al. This drabble/fic was written for fun, not for profit.
Author's notes:  this is my second fic, and my first fic that's over PG-13 (my first time writing a sex scene). An entry to 
enchanted_jae's monthly drabble with the prompt: Harry couldn't wait to give Draco a romantic _____.  this could also be a follow-up from my first fic, http://chiaki-ayumi.livejournal.com/1150.html#cutid1. Also my first entry to
hd_fluff's promt: Valentine's day.

X-posted to 
harrydracompreg, hd_fluff

It was Valentine’s Day and Harry couldn't wait to give Draco a romantic, relaxing bubble-bath.  He kept noticing that the blonde was always tense this past week and when he asked what got his husband’s knickers in a twist, the blond would grow paler and tell him nothing’s wrong.  This, of course continued through the whole week, frustrating the brunet more causing him to form a plan containing a bubble-bath, and a massage.

It was after dinner that Harry finally got the blond to follow him to their en-suite bath, which was covered with rose petals on every solid surface with floating candles giving off a romantic aura.  The bath, filled with bubbles, gave off a lavender scent - Draco’s favorite.  It wasn’t really a chore to get Draco naked and in the bath (Harry promised him with a massage) and soon both of them we’re moaning their gratitude as the water did its magic.

“Happy Valentine’s day baby, can I wash your hair?” asked Harry as he circled his arms around Draco’s waist.

“Sure, just don’t forget that massage you promised me.” Replied Draco as he started to relax inside his husband’s arms.

Harry then squirted a medium amount of Draco’s favorite shampoo and started to massage the blonde’s head, causing the said blond to moan in which causing Harry’s cock to grow.  After the hair, Harry started to loosen the blonde’s tense muscles, which took a little longer, and made his husband to moan more.  By the time he was finished with the blonde’s feet, it was clear that not only did Harry had his *flushed* husband’s attention, but the said husband’s cock too.

A second later, they we’re kissing and groping each other, both lost in the blissful embrace of skin against skin.  Harry started kissing down the blonde’s neck to teasing with the said moaning blonde’s nipples.

As Harry got lower, Draco couldn’t help to moan out load at the thought of his husband’s very talented mouth on his cock.  But when Harry as an inch away from Draco’s cock, he drew back, smirking at his very horny husband.

“What the hell Harry! Why did you stop?!"

“I’ll continue in a minute, baby, but you have to answer my question first.”

“Fine! Ask away! Just hurry up and suck my cock!!!”

“Why were you always tense this past week? What happened that’s got your knickers in a twist?”

“Um… could I answer that later? After… you know…”

“No, Draco! I’m tired of thinking what got you upset. Tell. Me. Now.” Said Harry with the last three words emphasized with a stroke on Draco’s cock.

“Okay! Okay! I’m…. um….how do I tell you this? I’m...”

“Draco!! Stop stalling!”

“Oh fine! I’mpregnantharry!”


“I said I’m pregnant! There! Happy now?”

“YES!! Very happy! Oh my god! I’m a dad! You’re going to have a baby!! I’m going to be a dad!! Oh Draco! Is this why you were tense all week?” Harry said, hugging Draco tightly.

“I thought you wouldn’t want a child this early in our marriage.”

“Oh Draco! It doesn’t matter if you had a baby last year, or in the next ten years, I’ll always love you, and I’ll love our child too.”

“You’ve practically given me everything I could ever need, especially your love, but now, you’re giving me our own family! Oh Draco! How could I ever repay you?”

“You can start by fucking six ways to Sunday, and declaring your forever love to me while you’re at it.”

Soon, both we’re oblivious as the water flowed over the bath because of their frantic coupling. And when both we’re finally sated, and toweled up, they headed to sleep, both with a content smile on their face.

“Good night Harry”

“Good night love”

A minute later…

“Oh My God! What if it’s a girl?!”



fics, c-entry

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