First Fic!!! Jae's Monthly Drabble entry!!

Jan 07, 2007 19:00

Title: You Don’t Love Me Anymore
Rating: PG13
Pairing: Harry/Draco
Warnings: weird al yankovic’s -- you don't love me anymore and a little Flangst
Word count:
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of JK Rowling, et al. This drabble/fic was written for fun, not for profit.
Author’s Note: This is my first fic, so comments are very welcomed! This is also an entry to
enchanted_jae’s Monthly Drabble Challenge. The prompt is: Draco was doing that thing that drove Harry mad.
Summary: It's Harry and Draco's fourth year anniversary… (I know it sucks, give me a break! It’s my first fic!)

Five years ago, he showed up in 12 grimwald place with the last two horcruxes. One week after that, I finally destroyed Voldemort and the Wizarding World was saved.  I met him again at the first anniversary party, and can you believe he was a spy for the Order all along!  The next morning we we’re on his bed with a very clear evidence of what we did the night before.

I guess we kind of surprised the whole wizarding world because 5 months after steady dating and hot passionate sex, we “came out” and we’ve been together since then.  Sure, the start was kind of bumpy, we used to argue a lot but it wasn’t anything serious, and the make-up sex was ohmygod

Today’s our four year anniversary but lately, he’s been kind of weird.  These past few weeks, he always gets home late and he’s out the door before I even wake up in the morning! I’m getting the feeling that he’s doing something behind my back or…or…he doesn’t…lo-love me anymore….

I clutch the anniversary invitation in my hand; I guess we won’t be going together then.  I looked at his tailor made suit, laid out in our bed then looked at the digital clock, the time blinking brightly in red.  I guess I can’t wait for him any longer.

I apparated near the place where the party is, my mood totally sour.  We always go to these things together but… I guess I’m going solo this time.  Fortunately, I escaped the clutches of the reporters without a scratch. The last time the reporters saw me going to a party without Draco by my side, they HAD a field day!

After the tedious task of shaking the hands of all the people I don’t even know, I decided to get drunk to go along with my bad mood. Hey! Might as well forget tonight than thinking it over tomorrow! After a little wine here and there…why’s the room spinning? He finally showed up! The nerve of him! I’d marched right up to him, but my legs are… Am I drunk?

“… And now, I give you Mr. Harry Potter who’d been kind enough to give us a little speech!”

Suddenly I was blinded by a bright light and someone started guiding me up to the stage in the back of the room. Somebody shook my hand when I got there and gave me the mic.  Nobody mentioned THIS to me!

“Umm… Nobody told me that I had (hic) to make a speech b-but I guess (hic) it won’t hurt to improvise (hic). Did I just say that out loud (hic)?  Anyway, you guys won’t believe (hic) what I week I’ve been having (hic)! And it’s all because of my (hic) greeeaaaaat b-boyfriend! So because I’m (hic) deliriously drunk right now, I’d (hic) like to sing him a song.”

I knew that we were having problems when
You put those piranhas in my bathtub again
You're still the light of my life
Oh darling, I'm beggin', won't you put down that knife?

You know I, even think it's kinda cute the way
You poison my coffee just a little each day
I still remember the way that you laughed
When you pushed me down the elevator shaft

Oh, if you don't mind me asking, what's this poisonous cobra
Doing in my underwear drawer?
Sometime I get to thinking you don't love me anymore

Honey, something tells me you don't love me anymore, oh no no
Got a funny feeling you don't love me anymore

WOW!! I finished the song without getting knocked out! Man I’m good! But… why is everyone quiet??? Ohmygod! Did I just sing that song all in my head--

While Harry was singing the song (half of the guess didn’t even understand what he was singing) Draco quickly but gracefully walk in the direction of Harry, while stifling his laugh of course. He made his way for his boyfriend and did what he knew was going to make his lover either mad or aroused.


Draco was doing that thing that drove Harry mad. He was striking his Malfoy pose and copyrighted ohgod sexy!Malfoy smirk! It’s not helping now when I’m mad and ha-


Draco wrapped his arm around Harry’s waist, kissed Harry in the lips (which suddenly made Harry sober up) and took the mic.

“Harry… baby, I’m sorry if that’s what you’ve been feeling these past few weeks, but I assure you, on my word, that I love you more than life it self.”

“Then w-why… why do you always get home late?! *sob*”

“I was doing something important, something for you…”

And with that, he kneeled in that ‘is he going to proposed to me?’ way and took out a small blue box and asked…


fics, c-entry

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