To do the following use Add/Remove under Programs
- Remove packages that I don't want
- Install "Sun Java 6.0 Plugin" (to be able to load Java in your browser)
- Install "VLC" (Media Player that can play almost everything)
- Install "Ubuntu Restricted Packages"
- Install "WINE" (to be able to run Windows applications)
- Install "CheckGMail" (to get notifications when I get new mail)
- Install Anti-Virus
To get "Avast" open the Terminal and write:
wget && sudo dpkg -i avast4workstation_1.3.0-2_i386.deb
- Install more fonts by copying this into the Terminal
sudo mkdir -p /usr/lib/X11/fonts/Type1 && sudo apt-get install msttcorefonts && sudo apt-get install ttf-larabie-straight ttf-larabie-deco mplayer-fonts xfonts-terminus-dos xfonts-terminus xfonts-terminus-oblique xfonts-mona tv-fonts ttf-tuffy ttf-sjfonts ttf-sil-padauk ttf-sil-ezra ttf-paktype ttf-georgewilliams ttf-fifthhorseman-dkg-handwriting ttf-farsiweb ttf-essays1743 ttf-opensymbol ttf-nafees ttf-mgopen ttf-gentium ttf-freefont ttf-dustin ttf-devanagari-fonts ttf-dejavu-extra ttf-dejavu-core ttf-dejavu ttf-bpg-georgian-fonts ttf-bitstream-vera ttf-alee
- Make the Windows Button work again
Go to the System > Preferences > Keyboard Shortcuts menu item > "Show the Panel's Main Menu" and edit the short cut
- Fix Flash
Synaptic Packed manager > Search for flash > Uninstall "swfdec-mozilla"
- Install Adobe Reader
- Install Skype
- Install Spotify (you need WINE to get this to work)
- Install Notepad++ (you need WINE to get this to work)
- Customise Firefox and Ubuntu <3
My Customisation for Firefox