The More the Merrier

Jul 15, 2005 11:47

As allison puts it "the more the merrier" it will be on sunday. I can't wait. I am excited and happy that I am going to get to spend a week just kicking back and doing what I've been doing since school got out. For people like josh r who found this camping trip to be pointless, I am sorry you feel that way. You're gonna miss out.

Now for tonight, things are going to be interesting with the release of Harry Potter. So far, the buildup to its release has been thrilling and fun to watch. Books sold early. People told not to read it. Judges probably threatening to kill the kids if they do not obey. ETC.

Saturday I am seeing Wedding Crashers. Anyone want to come along after you are done getting groceries is welcome. But I just can't wait to see this one.
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