Dec 01, 2006 00:02

Ok, not really but I'm tempted.

I'm sure you will see where this story is headed, but here it goes.....

Today I left my cell phone at home on accident. I just got a new phone less than a month ago. It was a $200 dollar phone that I got for 60 bucks. You see my sisters husband works for a cell phone place and got me the discount. But the reason I was able to get it was because I was ready for an upgrade. And the reason I wanted a phone was because my old phone sucks at charging and not in a battery way in a won't do anything when I put it on the charger kind of way. Not to mention the dog ate my house charger and I had to charge it in the car. It would take me, in all seriousness, sometimes up to 10 minutes to get the freakin thing to realize that yes, it is on a charger!!!!

So I got a new back to today. I get home and there is no puppy at the door to greet me. Instead, Chris walks out of the bedroom and are not going to be happy with the dog. (We have recently started leaving him in the living room now that it's clean!) What did he do? Did he take a dump in the house? Where? DId he puke? What? Where? What did he chew??? And Chris picks up my phone and it has teeth marks all over it and the screen is shot. SHOT!

OH MY GOD....I'm so pissed right now I could puke. And not so much because of the phone itself, but because I can't get another phone now unless I pay the tagged price! I have to wait 11 more months to get another phone. And I've been so excited about my new phone....I've shown it to everyone. I loved it. I really did. I'm sure I would go to hating it in a few months...but for now I loved it and I really hate my old phone which I now have to attempt to use. I'm so mad I could (and did) scream. Not to mention cry...out of frustration and anger.

And now I must end this post....I went to Chicago for thanksgiving and played football with my brother. Because I have no athletic bones in my body I jammed my finger in my lame attempts to catch the ball. This is why no posts at all lately...I can't type and when I try it hurts and pisses me off. Today is the first day it's felt good enough to use on the e, d, and x keys. But it is now hurting so off to dreamland I go...maybe I'll dream up a new phone and when I wake up it'll be under my pillow....
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