I have discovered that Milo in large quantities late at night can
result in a coma that lasts for up to 10 hours. How did i find this
out? Experimenting of course. During a routine run of Rage on ABC i
decided that i was hungry. A quick search of the kitchen resulted in
either uncooked Cous Cous or a 1.5 kg tin of Milo. Now it has come to
my attention that the more you have of something the more you are
likely to consume. You take on the mentality "there's heaps there so i
can have heaps" so i did. Fourteen tablespoons and half a litre of milk
later my eyes are glazed and the music from the tv isn't getting to my
brain as my ears are filled with Milo. It was euphoric Milo Ninja bliss.
I awake 9 to 10 hours later feeling like i drank a bottle of rum and
then decided to run around the block 6 times on my tongue. I had the
dreaded Milo Hangover. I had gotten the Milo to Milk ratio wrong and as
a result the excess Milo had sucked all the moisture out of my brain in
a futile effort to quench it's thirst. With my unseemly Ninja doom so
immenent there was only one thing to do. Hair of the Dog.
Ahh Milo....my one Ninja weakness, My Achilles heel if you will.
"Take that Skippy!"
With enough Milo you can knock out even the toughest of Kangaroo boxers.
Cubbies eat ovaltine not Milo.