I've jumped a couple hurdles that make me feel a little less worthless. I didn't know where to keep going with the song I wrote for Andrew's band since they gave me no direction, but I just said fuck it and went over to sing what I had. The first line I did completely terrible because I was so nervous, but I kept going. Also, if Natalie had never told me that she liked my voice and that I should try, I would have never even thought of embarrassing myself like that. She's one of those people that I trust enough to tell me the absolute truth and wouldn't put me in a humiliating situation. So hmmm....we'll see. I'm terrified of disappointing them.
I got my Pangea tattoo today-Sam came over this morning and did the outline. I'm really glad I did it at home instead of at a parlor, even if that sounds dirty. I got to lay on my couch and (yes) after thirty minutes of pain I was just fine with getting Pooky out to hold. It kept me from bitching.
This week has been insane, but I feel alive and inspired for a change.